
What are the differences between GtkEntry and GtkTextView?

Apart from GTextView being multiline and able to display text in different styles (font, color etc. using tags), what are other obvious differences between the two? ...

GtkTextView size

How do I set the size of GtKTextView? I think I can't use gtk_widget_set_usize. ...

Print the text of GtkTextView

How can I print (for example in a label) the text into a GtkTextView? For GtkLabel and GtkEntry there are gtk_label_get_text() and gtk_entry_get_text(), but for GtkTextView? ...

GtkLabel reset and GtkTextView max length

I've a NULL gtklabel. Upon the occurrence of an event, I set a text in this label (with gtk_label_set_text). How can I reset the gtklabel after the event (reset to NULL)? How can I set the max length (characters) of a GtkTextView? What's the easiest way to set the distance from the margin of a widget in a GtkTable? ...

Linux / C / GTK+ Set GtkTextView background to the default window colour

I want to set the GtkTexetView background colour to the window's default colour so that it looks like a GtkLabel. Take a look at these images, but please note that I want it for C and not PHP, and I use GNOME, not MS Windows. ...

GtkTextView can't wrap line.

Hello I'm using Gtk on C, I need to have a GtkTextView in the middle of my window with many other widgets, I can't make the widget wrap lines. This is a very annoying behavior, anyone have any idea of what am I missing? This is the code I'm using to set it's properties: gtk_text_view_set_left_margin(GTK_TEXT_VIEW(commentsTextView),20); ...