
GWT Vertical Tabs like iGoogle

Hi I am using GWT and would like to develop a vertical tab panel like the one in iGoogle. How can the same be achieved ? ...

gwt seam application doubt

Hi i have an application running on JBoss Seam 2, which uses rich faces as its presentation layer. My question is can I do away with rich faces and use gwt. what are the stuff that must take into account ? Is it possible ? ...

GWT - Main steps for this code

Hi. Im moving first steps today on GWT framework. I need to understand (using the netbeans official tutorial how this application work :) I place the code : /* * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package org.yournamehere.client; import; i...

Adding access control in GWT based applications.

I have a GWT based application. I want to add access control to it. Is there a way to add custom access control for GWT components? My idea about adding access control/permissions would be as following. Add access control annotation (if there exists one) to the class (GWT component) for which I need to add access control. When this ...

GWT developer mode code server

The GWT developer mode embedded http server makes all the sense in the world to me but I confess I do not understand what the "code server" is all about. It strikes me that an html file wraps all the javascript code the browser needs to render the GWT application with the embedded Jetty server handling AJAX during development. So I'm l...

why do getOffsetWidth() and getElement().getClientWidth() return 0 for a Widget in GWT?

I'm using RaphaelGWT to draw shapes with the underlying RaphaelJS library. Both projects are wonderful. However I was stuck for awhile on the issue of Text objects in Raphael being displayed as centered by default. I've tried to create one Text object and let it be centered by default, then measure its width in order to adjust the posit...

Overlay not working correctly

hi, i have a overlay which works great except if under it is a embedded video for example. What happens is that the video pops up over the overlay but i cant click on it or do anything with it. I did some research and i guess if there are any flash elements or multimedia elements in the host page they will pop through the overlay. Is th...

GWT FlexTable Button Problem

Hi All, I am retrieving a List<String> strings from my database and i would like to display it in a Flex Table.Also with every row in the flex table i want a delete button.The delete button on click should remove the row from the flex table. so i write code some thing similar to for(int i =0 ;i < strings.size();i++) { flexTable.setW...

Instantiate interface in JAVA?

I'm reading the docs on the UIBinder of GWT and the first code snippet made me confused: public class HelloWorld extends UIObject { // Could extend Widget instead interface MyUiBinder extends UiBinder<DivElement, HelloWorld> {} private static MyUiBinder uiBinder = GWT.create(MyUiBinder.class); @UiField SpanElement nameSpan; pu...

How to implement both right-click and left-click with ClickHandler on a FlexTable (with GWTs "new" event-handling-model)

Simply said, i have a FlexTable (or a somethings similar which inherits from a FlexTable) and want to add a ClickHandler (or an extended ClickHandler) but NO ClickListener to the FlexTable, and it should be possible to handle "left-Click"- and "right-Click"-events. I know, that GWT-core doesn't support right-click / ContextMenus, since ...

GWT maps API - Combine several icons and just one marker

I'd like to graphically indicate several status of large collections of lat/lng positions on a map. Once generated the status of each remains static (so no updates required). The idea was to use one icon per dimension (e.g. open/closed, happy hour etc.; a shadow icon is not that important) and to finally overlay them (using anchor points...

How to show an XML in GWT window

HI, I have a string value returned from a servlet code. I want to parse the string into XML and show the XML in a GWT window. I tried with google.xml.client.* package but was not successful. Can you please tell how to accomplish this task. ...

What logging can be used to log in GWT shared code?

There are three types of code in a GWT project: Client code (GWT client / javascript) Server code (servlet container / java) Shared code (GWT client & servlet container / javascript & java) Logging framework usable for each type: Client - gwt-log Server - slf4j Shared - ??? I'd like to have a write once for the shared code that c...

GXT Grid translate

i've tried to translate one of GXT widgets - Grid (exacly context menu in column header with sorting etc.) into Polish language but i cant find place to inject my translation. In some other widget (PagingToolBar) is method setMessages(...) but i cant find it in Grid So im asking you about place where i can set text that will be displaye...

onScroll-method in my GWT application is fired several times in IE, but only once in FF

Hi there :D, I'm having trouble. I know that IE and FF have different kinds of event-models, but this is really beyond me. I am using Google Web Toolkit to create some Ajax-Application. I have a table (FlexTable) wrapped by a ScrollPanel. When this ScrollPanel ends up being scrolled to its bottom, I fire an RPC-request to fetch some mor...

GWT RPC Testing DB connection

Hi, I'm using GWT RPC to connect to server side. On server side I've to connect to MySQL database, from which I get data I need. My question is which is best practice when I want to test my application, because I haven't deployed it yet on Tomcat app server, and it seems I cant test it, if it is not deployed. When I test it in developme...

Integrating a Swing App With Tomcat

Hi All. I recently created a web application with GWT. Then re-used most of the code to create a Swing version of the application that accesses a local database in offline mode. I am now implementing the 'online' mode of the application and want to access the same data as my GWT application. Any ideas? Considered connecting directly to...

uibinder css literal Hide options

inside my css, i put .someClass { width: literal("expression(this.width > 40 ? 40: true)"); } is this correct syntax ? i tried ,but no result output when i debug with firebug on firefox. i try to make max-width working in ie6 ...

Suggestbox returning suggestions that begin AND contain the user's input

Hi, I am using a SuggestBox and I am having some difficulties to obtain the good behavior of my application. Consider the following list of suggestions : 1. lol 2. good evening 3. goodbye 4. end 5. saluti If I use my SuggestBox with this list and I type "g" I will obtain : 1. good evening 2. goodbye It I type "e" : 1. good ...

[ExtGwt-Gxt] RowExpander With Dynamic Content

Hi All, I want to create a grid with a RowExpander. The problem I am facing is that each row has different information to be displayed in the expanded area. For example, each row represents a subject and the expanded area displays the grades related to this subject (exam1, exam2, etc.) as follows: +math exam1 Excellent exam2 ...