
Send XML using XMLHttpRequest using GWT

Currently I use the JavaScript code to send XML data in GWT. Is there an easier way to send them? sendRequest.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { // RegisterBuiltin.register(ResteasyProviderFactory.getInstance()); // ItemExtension client = ProxyFactory.crea...

Any effective way to count web application traffic when testing locally?

I am writing a GWT web application which is supposed to run on Google App Engine. I an working in Eclipse and using the plug-in supplied by Google. Now I was wondering if there is any effective way to count the traffic when testing the application. ...

Importing External Jars in GWT Projects

I have an external Jar , which is in the Project BuildPath which is in the WEB-INF/lib folder and Eclipse has no problem identifying the file. But GWT complains by saing that the source code is not available. [ERROR] Line 8: No source code is available for type; did you forget to inherit a required...

Gwt-dispatch injection

To use gwt-dispatch we create an object like: private static final DispatchAsync dispatchAsync = GWT.create(DefaultDispatchAsync.class); Is there any way to do this with injection, I mean how to inject this DispatchAsync object into other classes where we need to use it. This is something related to @Inject annotation! ...

Wan to display pdf using base64

Hi Guys I want to display PDF in browser but the point is my pdf is stored in database in blob format I want to display it in client side using base64 I am using java as backend and GWT as frontend Please suggest me.. Thanks ...

Manually generating x-gwt-rpc from Python

I want to access a GWT service from a Python script, so I want to generate a x-gwt-rpc request manually. Can't seem to find any info on the format of a GWT RPC call, since everybody does it from Java (so the call is generated by the framework). Where can I find some detailed documentation about this format? ...

SmartGWT Datasource customization tutorial

I'm looking for a good tutorial on how to customize a DataSource in SmartGWT (a code sample will also do for now). Some details: I have a GWT project which uses a proprietary client-server protocol for fetching data (with an extensive API based on GWT classes). The server is non-GWT based, i.e. GWT is used only for client side. I'd like...

Scrolling to the top of a page in a gwt application

I've got a gwt application and I want to scroll to the top of a page using this method: public static native void scrollTop() /*-{ $wnd.scroll(0, 0); }-*/; The method is called in the onClick-method of a TreeNodeListenerAdapter: new TreeNodeListenerAdapter() { @Override public void onClick(Node node, EventObject e) { scroll...

GWT domHandler not working for Internet Explorer

I added a domHandler for changeEvents. Following the answer here: This works for listboxes in Chrome and Firefox but doesn't work for IE8. Does anybody have any recommendations? I rather not individually handle each textbox and listbox on our ...

GWT Internationalization

When I used the GWT Internationlaization with Constants, I got an exception saying that "No Resoure found for Key" .But the Key is already defined both in the interface and properties file. And the file format is utf-8. Can someone point to me that what could be the source of the error. //Here is my Interface public MyLabel extends Cons...

Bypass Ext Direct on HttpRequest

Our company app utilizes the Ext Direct so it bundles and sends requests from our client to the our MVC framework. Currently I'm working on a side project to test out GWT, and would like to get my test page to talk to our server. My question is if it is possible to bypass Ext Direct to send an http request to mvc directly, or Ext direc...

GWT Server-side reflection

I am trying to use Reflection on the server side only of a GWT app. I have a basic example working in a non-GWT example which can be seen below. package; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.lang.reflect.Method; public class EntryPoint { /** * @param args */ public static void main(Stri...

GWT: How to access in one stylesheet constants defined in another stylesheet from the same ClientBundle

This problem is best described with an example. I have the following ClientBundle in my GWT app: interface Resources extends ClientBundle { public static final Resources INSTANCE = GWT.create(Resources.class); @Source("defines.css") Defines defines(); @Source("appStyle.css") @CssResource.NotStrict Style style(...

Pass a session from gwt into an iframe

Hi , I am working on a website built using GWT.Now i have an Iframe which actually opens up another website( for example say a Forum).Now all i want is a Single Sign On .That is once the user log's in into my system he is also automatically signed in into the forum and he can access the form with his username. Now the forum is actually ...

How can you make a region of a GWT DockLayoutPanel bleed into another?

I use a DockLayoutPanel to split my screen in a left navigation column and a center area. My problem is that the app skinning requires that a selected tab in the navigation column "overwrite" a 1 pixel wide column of the central area. Is there a way to setup my DockLayoutPanel to do this? ...

Can we intigrate a module developed in the gwt and another developed in SmartGwt?

Please tell me specific reason if this is not possible? and if possible then will we have to to do lot of changes in our developed module. I am confused after reading a lot of blog from different users, all they having there own perspective? I am waiting for your response...please be specific Thanks Your Friend ...

GWT i18n: Support for lists

Is it possible (or will be possible) to specify a form for lists of values when doing i18n in GWT? For example, in Messages implementation I'd write something like: @ExpandsList public String youveSearchedFor(String[] values); And in .properties file something like: youveSearchedFor = you''ve searched for [{n}, ] and {last} ...

Get Date details (day, month, year) in GWT

I need to get the day, month, year details from a Date value but getYear() is deprecated, gives year on 2 digits, and has problems with Y2K (2008 gives 108). The java doc recommends using java.util.calendar but it is not supported in GWT. I want to avoid sending all the info back and forth between the server and client just to deal with...

RAD 7: Debug GWT based Portlets

Hi, I have a Portlet which is based on GWT and it must be deployed on Websphere Portal Server. For development purposes, I need to have debugging working inside RAD (with embedded Portal Server). So, i installed RAD 7.5.4 with Portal Server 6.1. I made all configuration on both Server and RAD to work with debugginh. But when i make brea...

What is the best way to use Gilead with GXT and hibernate ?

Hello All, I wanted to understand the best way to integrate Gilead with GXT and hibernate. This article describes the usage of Gilead with GWT. Most of the GXT components are bound using custom classes that inherit BaseModelData, does this mean we need to convert...