
How to declare dependent style names with UiBinder

I have a simple UiBinder widget containing a TextArea: <!DOCTYPE ui:UiBinder SYSTEM ""&gt; <ui:UiBinder xmlns:ui="" xmlns:g=""> <g:TextArea visibleLines="3" /> </ui:UiBinder> I want to control the background color of th...

How to use imported css styles in GWT correctly

Imagine you created the following simple widget with UiBinder: <!DOCTYPE ui:UiBinder SYSTEM ""&gt; <ui:UiBinder xmlns:ui="" xmlns:g=""> <ui:style type="my.package.Widget1.Widget1Style"> .childWidgetStyle { ...

Session variables not sticking with GXT

I'm encountering a strange problem with the session using GXT 2.1 and a Grails 1.2 backend. I'm creating two FormPanels, panelA and panelB, which submit to action1 and action2 in Grails respectively. In action1 I set a hardcoded session variable and retrieve it in action2, but it is always returning null! If I manually go to action1 then...

How set a parameter type as inout when using rpc with gwt ?

Hi I've a sample gwt2 rpc service & i need to set some of it's parameters as out or inout (like out or ref parameter types in microsoft wcf), but i could not find anything about it in gwt documents or related forums :( Can anybody help me please ?! ...

String.split() method bug in GWT 2.0.3

I'm upgrading a GWT project from GWT 1.7.1 to currently newest version 2.0.3. It seems that new GWT broke String.split(String regex) method - I get the following error on the Javascript side: this$static is undefined This happens in this line of my .nocache.js file: if (maxMatch == 0 && this$static.length > 0) { ...which happens to...

Retrieve GWT radiobutton value in servlet

Hi, I'm having a headache figuring how to retrieve the gwt Radio Buttons values in the server side. Here is my UiBinder form: <g:FormPanel ui:field="form"><g:VerticalPanel ui:field="fruitPanel"> <g:RadioButton name="fruit">apple</g:RadioButton> <g:RadioButton name="fruit">banana</g:RadioButton> <g:SubmitButton>Submit</g:Su...

GWT 1.4 TO 2.0 UiBinder

Hi I am upgrading a project with around 60 java classes, from 1.4 to 2.0 . Apart from replacing deprecated functions, adding generics, will converting the whole project into UI Binder approach i.e. XML and Corresponding working Java classes, be recommended. Or shall i go on adding new UI requirments using Ui Binder and leaving the exist...

What is the best approach towards styling GWT applications?

General approach in GWT is to use Panels and then apply custom CSS themes to get a customized look. While I can achieve a certain extent of personalization of my GWT app through CSS tinkering, I was wondering how others generally approach styling. Some of the suggestions I came across the web were to manage layout with plain HTML, throu...

Solution for Numeric Text Field in GWT

I need a text field very similar in behavior to Gxt's NumberField. Unfortunately I am not using Gxt in my application and GWT 2.0 does not have a Numeric text field implementation as yet. So that currently leaves me with an option to simulate a NumberField by filtering out non-numeric keystrokes using a keyboardHandler. Is this the th...

GWT Grid How to add id table

as in Table Grid specify cell id = "" ...

GWT i18n - Plural Forms doesn't work at all?

I'm using GWT internationalization Messages. The documentation for Plural Forms says this should work: @DefaultMessage("{0} {1,number} hours {2}") @PluralText({"one", "an hour"}) String hours(String prefix, @PluralCount int count, String suffix); Well, it doesn't. Whatever value of count it still delivers DefaultMessage (e.g. "1 hours...

GWT complex app, many screens. Architecture?

I'm making a GWT application which will have many screens. There will be a menu on the left and clicking a menu option will open the relevant module in the right side content area. Clicking on items in the content area will link to other modules that open in the same content area. How do I implement this architecture? How do I pass obj...

How to customize look and feel of gird element in GXT 2.0

Hi, I'm having trouble customizing the way GXT's grid elements appear. there are a few things I'd like to do and I simply don't know how. No column head fields. separate font size, color, type, etc. by column or by rows Can anyone posy me easy how to please? ...

Unknown error in GWT

Hi, I'm writing a module in GWT. It uses a WYSIWYG editor. It was running smoothly until I tried using RichText from GWT instead of WYSIWYG editor. Since it did not workout as expected, I rolled back to the old code (i.e. WYSIWYG). But now, when I run the compiled html file in a browser, I get an error Error: a is null Source File: ht...

What purpose do the collection classes defined under* serve?

I accidentally used HashSet and HashMap defined under the package in the client side code. Found out the package does not have a module xml file and hence these collection classes are not meant to be used on the client side. What is the purpose of having these classes in the GWT SDK, if these aren't suppo...

Cancel form submission

How can I cancel a form submission using GWT? I need to validate the form and process some of the data before actually submitting it. So far I did the following, the problem is that the form is submitted even if the SubmitEvent is cancelled. form.addSubmitHandler( new SubmitHandler() { @Override public void onSubmit(Su...

Is it possible to create GWT2 - JSR286 Portlets and implement IPC?

Hi, is it possible to implement IPC with GWT2 Portlets? Preferably i'd like to use the JSR286 Event mechanism, but would have to do so out of the GWT Portlets. I am using a Liferay 6 Portal. Has anyone any experience with this kind of environment? thanks for your help, stefan ...

Child widget click event notice in parent

Hi all, I have a uiBinder class which consists of some labels and a button, I instantiate couple of objects of this class in another uiBinder class. Now I want to do something whenever button is clicked in any of these objects, Do you have any idea how can I do this? thanks ...

Gwt accessing Session id in Client side

Hi, atm i have a JSP (my Host page) where i set the Session id via scriptlet with the Request Object. I save this Information in an hidden field and read it with the gwt DOM Object. Is there à better way to do this ? Thanks in advance for help. Kuku ...

Gwt ClientBundle can't find images

A ClientBundle works fine in my main project: com.example.project.client.Bundle Another ClientBundle in my library compiles into a jar just fine: com.example.library.client.Bundle Compiling my project when it depends on the library fails: [ERROR] Errors in 'jar:file:/C:/work/library.jar!/com/example/library/client/' [ERROR...