I compiled and installed haddock-2.4.2 from the tarball source.
Adding a few simple comments to the code here:
and running haddock
$ haddock -h -o doc Data/DualMap.hs
Warning: Data.DualMap: could not find link destinations for:
Data.Typeable.Typeable2 GHC.Base.Eq GHC.Show.Show G...
I'm using GHC and have installed several packages via Cabal. One of the packages' web site says "go see the haddock documentation". The haddock command seems to only work on source files, and cabal haddock only seems to work in the top-level directory of a project with a .cabal build file. Is there a way to say "show me the haddock" for ...
The command cabal haddock has very useful --hyperlink-source option.
I would like to have the source hyperlinked when building documentation with cabal install.
The ticket #517 seems to be just about it: http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/hackage/ticket/517
However, perhaps it is possible to set this flag via ~/.cabal/config file?
If not...
At the moment I'm only using Haddock but after seeing some really interesting examples (e.g. this gist ) of literate Haskell I'm interested in trying it out in a project.
The questions I got are:
What do you write as Haddock comments and what do you write in the literate part?
How do you scale literate programming to multiple files? C...
I have the following function:
-- | Exponential moving average.
ema :: (Fractional a)
=> a -- ^ Alpha
-> [a] -- ^ Input data
-> [a] -- ^ Output
ema alpha xs = scanl1 (\a b -> a+(alpha*(b-a))) xs
Haddock takes the above and generates the following HTML:
:: Fractional a
=> a Input data
-> [a] Output
-> [a]
If I got the line
> { -# OPTIONS_GHC -fglasgow-exts -XTemplateHaskell #- }
in the documentation-part (description) of the .cabal-file I'll get the error message
haddock: parsing haddock prologue failed
when running
$ cabal haddock
but if I get rid of the { and } everything works fine. Is there some way to escape {} so they can b...