the line
rails new someapp -m haml
doesn't work. It seems to need a path to some where.
Update: haml-rails is in fact installed by gem install haml-rails but the line above wouldn't work.
How do I create this:
I would like to make a <a href="foo.html">link</a> in my Rails app.
with HAML?
Once again, having trouble installing Compass, like here only different.
My versions and error:
$ cat /etc/issue
Ubuntu 10.04.1 LTS \n \l
$ ruby -v
ruby 1.8.7 (2010-01-10 patchlevel 249) [i486-linux]
$ compass -v
Compass 0.8.17 [2465bab]
Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Chris Eppstein
Released under the MIT License.
$ haml -v
Haml/Sass 3.0.18 (...
I have the HAML TextMate bundle and inside of the :javascript block, I'd like to have proper javascript syntax highlighting. How could I modify the HAML bundle to do this?
I am in the process of deploying a Rails application (that works fine in development) to a new production server running Apache and Passenger. When I navigate to the main page, I get the following in my production.log (along with a 500 Internal Server Error from Apache):
ActionView::TemplateError (uninitialized constant Haml::Filters::M...
Since migrating a project to rails 3, haml errors are not very descriptive..
All we're getting in the logs is a generic nil object error.
For instance in rails 2.3.8 when the indentation in a haml file was incorrect we'd get an error message pointing to the file and approx line.
However now in rails 3 we just get
NoMethodError (Y...
I'm using Haml in rails and have been writting with the :markdown filter (bluecloth gem), but a piece of example code is in ruby and the page tries to execute the #{values}, how can I stop this?
Here is the breaking bit of code:
like_frags = [fields] { |f| "LOWER(#{f}) LIKE :word#{count}" }
or_frags << "(#{l...
I have an input field that was written with onfocus="this.value='' , but recently decided to change it to onfocus=" . The trouble is that when I went to change it, it still clears! I searched my entire javascript library, html, everything looking for what could be causing that. Nothing is being called of the likes.
I tried ...
Hello, I'm quite new to Ruby language (up to now I developed in Groovy + Grails) but since I was curious about it I wanted to try Sinatra on Ruby 1.9.2-p0.
I have a trivial website that is contained in /mywebpage and has 2 files:
# blog.rb
get '/' do
'Hello World!'
get '/impossible' do
haml :index
path = ...
in ruby you can do conditional block like so
block do |n|
puts n
end if foo == bar
which would translate into erb as
<% block do |n| %>
<%= n %>
<% end if foo == bar %>
is there a way to achieve this in haml other than wrapping the block in a condition?
I'm using formtastic and haml on a Rails 3 application. I'm trying to make a nested form for surveys and questions, but it's just not working for me. I've watched the railscast and on it and everything, but I can't seem to make it work for my application. So right now, I have the following:
class Survey < ActiveRecord::Base
Hi All,
I am a PHP dev trying to start using HAML, using this implementation:
HAML looks awesome, but I don't understand if/how it supports partials (or includes, as they are called in the PHP world).
I would like to have a master template HAML file that then goes and loads up a bunch of partials for al...
In html, you can do something like this
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent eget
aliquet odio. Fusce id quam eu augue sollicitudin imperdiet eu ac eros.
<em>Etiam nec nisi lorem</em>, ac venenatis ipsum. In sollicitudin,
lectus eget varius tincidunt, felis sapien porta eros, non
= render :partial => "shared/head"
= yield
= render :partial => "shared/footer"
%html{"xml:lang" => "pl", :xmlns => ""}
some title
I've an element TR in my view, I want to add classes dynamically on this element depending on an association between 2 models (many to many between company and packaging).
The result should looks like
<tr class="pck1 pck3 pck5">
where pck1, pck3 and pck5 are packaging associated with a company
Thanks for your insights
Hey there,
i have tried to render some files with HAML in Rails 3. But HAMl doesn`t work.
My testfiles have the extension .html.haml.
In the GEMFile i have written gem 'haml' and executed the bundle install
When i call my testapp i become an error like this:
Template is missing
Missing template posts/index with {:locale=>[:en, :en], :...
So I'm trying to get a remove link next to the caption in an emails form. However, my rails voodoo is clearly very weak. It escapes the HTML and I can't figure out how to get it to not. Any hints?
= f.input :email, :label => "Email " + link_to_remove_fields("[x]", f)
[edit] oh and yes, this does the same thing:
= f.input :email, :lab...
I have a model, called delivery:
property :id, Serial
property :created_at, DateTime
property :updated_at, DateTime
property :price, BigDecimal, :precision => 10, :scale => 2
Delivery has a price, which when viewed in SQLite is values such as 5.49, 6.95, 4.95
When displaying this information in the output (coded in ...
I want to write a parser and converter of haml-like languages, to parse them, and convert them into html content.
I found people usually use regular-expression to do this, but we have to write a lot of difficult regular expressions, which is not easy. Is there any tools or libraries to do it? I hope it in java and easy to use.
And, is ...
I want to use haml in rails 3 project.
Now how to start?
How to cofig it?