
Rails 3 has_one routing

I have two classes: class User < ActiveRecord::Base :has_one :foo end class Foo < ActiveRecord::Base :belongs_to :user end The Foo is optional. I created the following routing: resources :users do resources :foo end Which results in the following routes: GET /users/:user_id/foo(.:format) {:controller=>"foo...

has_one with two foreign keys?

I have two classes Message and User. Message has sender_id and recipient_id both foreign keys for User. How to build relationship where I'll be able to get user for both sender and recipient, like @message.sender.name and @message.recipient.name I tried to do it by this way: class Message < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :sender, :...

Object refuses to save changes in Rails IRB

Good morning all, I've got an association that I'm working on, and for some reason, I can't get it to save changes to the object in question when I'm debugging it in IRB. I was wondering if anyone could point out my problem. Here is the association: class User < ActiveRecord::Base has_and_belongs_to_many :affiliates has_one :mana...

belongs_to has_one structure

I have an application which has the following characteristics There are Clubs Each Club has Teams Each Team has Players I have a users table. The user table basically contains the username and password for the club manager, team manager and the player to login to the system. How should I structure the models and the tables? I plan...

In Rails, what is the difference using "has_many with belongs_to" vs "has_many with has_one"?

For example, in class Student < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :awards end class Awards < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :student end the above should be the correct usage, but what if we use class Student < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :awards end class Awards < ActiveRecord::Base has_one :student end doesn't the above also m...

How do I update a :has_one value through link_to_remote?

I want to be able to change value for the :status_contact for the model Contact (has_one :status_contact Here is the snippet with the link_to_remote: <%= link_to_remote "Responded - Positive", :url => contacts_url(@contact, :status => 'positive response'), :update => "status" %> <span id="status"></s...

Rails: Create association if none is found to avoid nil errors

I have an application where my users can have a set of preferences. Both are stored as ActiveRecord-models as follows: class User < AR::Base has_one :preference_set end class PreferenceSet < AR::Base belongs_to :user end I can now access the preferences of a user: @u = User.first @u.preference_set => #<PreferenceSet...> @u.pre...