
ASP.Net Healthmonitoring problem with SimpleMailWebEventProvider

I'm using Health Monitoring in an ASP.Net 2 web site. I've got it mostly configured how I want it to work, but am running into a problem configuring my own copy of the SimpleMailWebEventProvider. I've got it configured thusly: <add name="CriticalEmail" bufferMode="Critical Notification" type="System.Web.Management.SimpleMailWebEventP...

Configure ASP.NET Health Monitoring to ignore specific errors?

My ASP.NET app has a web.config healthMonitoring section set up to email me when errors occur. Periodically I get errors that I would like to ignore, such as Invalid Viewstate or ScriptResource.axd errors. Is there any way to configure web.config to NOT email me when the exception message matches a certain search string or regex? I thoug...

SqlWebEventProvider w/ windows service

I am trying to raise some custom events to a SqlWebEventProvider from a windows service. Here are the steps I have taken and the results I have seen. I cannot figure this one out. Setup 2 healthMonitoring providers SqlWebEventProvider, and SimpleMailWebEventProvider (both .net 2.0 framework, and sqlwebeventprovider is basically the d...

Is it possible to use the TemplatedEmailWebEventProvider for HealthMonitoring in mvc?

I have an action in DiagnosticsController called ErrorEmail but I get the following error when attempting to trigger a HealthMonitoring email. Any suggestions would be great. Here are my web.config settings: <providers> <add name="TemplatedEmailWebEventProvider" type="System.Web.Management.TemplatedMailWebEventProvider" template="Di...

Tweet meta syntax for ODLs

Hi, I am interested in the idea of using Tweets/SMS/Identica or other short text status update systems to track Observations of Daily Living (or ODLs). The basic notion is that you send status updates to Twitter or or perhaps just an SMS message or whatever in a format that can be later mined to show patterns. You could us...

How can I monitor DB calls in weblogic?

How do I find which DB call is currently executed by my weblogic server? ...