
How do I use jquery to get the height of a dynamically created child element with no Id

I have a div that dynamically get's loaded with two images always and possibly one div in between. Neither the images or the div have id's associated with them (and I can't make them have Id's). Inspecting them with firebug they are just shown as <IMG> and <DIV>. I need to get the height of this child div when it exists. I was hoping...

CSS: Height if textarea as a percentage of the viewport height

I'd like to say that the height of a text area is equal to, say, 50% of the height of the viewport. How can I do that? A simple height: 50% doesn't do the trick. ...

Dynamic Height to an Amazon aStore

There is a similar question here: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/525992/resize-iframe-height-according-to-content-height-in-it. But it is not about Amazon aStore. When you create an Amazon aStore, you get a code like: < iframe src="http://astore.amazon.com/AMAZON_SOME_STORE_HERE-20" width="90%" height="4000" frameborder="0" ...

Avoid TextBox vertical stretching

How can I avoid TextBox vertical streching in following example: <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal"> <Button Height="40">OK</Button> <TextBox Width="200"></TextBox> </StackPanel> ...

flex 3 making application height dynamic based on datagrid size

Hi, I need to make my application height dynamic based on the size of a data grid which changes after a user does a search for specific items. Can someone help me with this. Also when im embedding in my html is there a javascript function i can call which can access applicatin height so i can set page accordingly? the javascript needs...

CSS Div stretch 100% page height

I have a navigation bar on the left hand side of my page, and I want it to stretch to 100% of the page height. Not just the height of the viewport, but including the areas hidden until you scroll. I don't want to use javascript to accomplish this. Can it be done in HTML/CSS? ...

HTML Element's Height Property not set by Internet Explorer

I've written a Javascript script that automatically resizes the height of an IFrame, depending on its content. This is done as soon as the content of the framed page is produced; in Firefox no problem, but in IE the script is correctly executed but no effect is seen: the method is called in a callback function. Any sugestions? If I execu...

Auto adjust height

Hi guys. Im trying to get a div to auto adjust to the height of the div to its right. You can see an example here www.littledesignplanet.co.uk/lloyd The white space div on the left i set the height manually. Is there a way to get this to automatically stick to the same size as the main content div? As each page is going to be a differ...

jQuery DIV height issues.

Good day :) I am using jQuery's animate() on both opacity and height, on a fixed-size div. It all works fine and dandy in firefox, but in IE8 (with and without compatibility-mode, so I am assuming it will have the same behavior in IE6 and IE7), the animation does show, but when the div height reaches 0%, the div's height adjusts to the...

Can I create a coda slider navigation with variable height for its content?

Hi, Most people know the Coda Slider effect well these days but even with googling and doing a search here I could not find my answer. Question How can I create a Coda Slider style navigation that uses horizontal sliding/scrolling but adaptes its height during the sliding animation to the height needed for the content? For instance, t...

CSS 100% height + header with static height;

I am building a layout which includes a header, which is 40 px in height. Underneath this header a SWF resides that should take up the rest of the available space. The best solution untill now has been working with a table, giving the first row 40px height and the second row a 100% height - but these rows still add up in Internet Explor...

jQuery height() problems with Internet Explorer 6

I'm using jQuery 1.3.2. I'm having trouble getting a correct "height" in Internet Explorer 6. Height values are correct in all other browsers. I am also using wresize jQuery plugin. Each time the browser loads, I fire a method that resizes divs, iframes based upon browser dimensions. (There's a good reason for this.) The returned v...

get a div's origin height

I set the div's css height:130px; overflow:hidden; I want an animation from current height to origin height like this , but I can't get the origin height.one posible way is after dom loaded , store the height in js,like this $(function(){ $('.detail').data('originHeight',$('.detail').height()); $('.detail').css({height:'130px...

Silverlight with Dynamic Height

I have a silverlight app that I want to allow to size like a regular HTML page. That is, I want the size of the silverlight plugin to expand and contract in height to accommodate the dynamic data and controls that I am populating the silverlight app with. So, say I have a Page with a Grid and a button. The user hots the button and the gr...

How to make floating inner divs the same height as the highest div.

In the following code I would like the div with 'y' to match the height of the div with the 3 'x's. <div style="border: 0px solid red; margin: 0px 0px 5px; overflow: hidden;"> <div style="border: 1px solid rgb(129, 11, 0); margin: 0px; padding: 5px; background-color: rgb(30, 23, 22); width: 312px; float: left;"> x<br/>x<br/>x </div> <d...

flex datagrid - making grid height dynamic and component that contains it

HI, i want to build a datagrid which will have a dynamic height value because the number of rows will always be different. I also want to communicate the height back to the component holiding it so that it also grows with the datagrid. Can anyone help me out on the best way to create such a dynamic datagrid. Thanks ...

css 100 % height bug

When I resize window and when vertical scrollbar appears, if I scroll it way to the bottom, - the bottom breaks. I dont understand why, but I think it has something to do with the way how page uses 100% height. Any help would be appreciated! Here's the page: zxsdesign.com/main1.html Here's a screenshot ...

obtain height to position a div in absolute mode

hello everyone, as my last question was answered inmediatly.. i decided to post a new one which is taking all my hair away, XD this is the problem.. i have a design with an absolute positioned div.. which has a transparent png and a simple anchor... just like this. <div class="buyfloat"> <img src="img/buy.png" /> </div> so.. i...

How can i stretch a div to 100% page height?

<html> <head> <style> .100PercentHeight{ } </style> </style> <body> <div class='100PercentHeight'>hihi</div> </body> </html> How can i stretch div to 100% height of page? ...

CSS: min-height does not work.

Whenever I add the min0height property to the DIVs to make them 100%, it doesn't work. I have added them to all of the DIVs, including height: 100%; and min-height: 100%; but nothing works. What would I do to make it extend all the way? It just cuts off the background of the sidebar and the background color of the content area. (Forgo...