
How to implement an heuristic for selecting appropriate image in Java

For a page that displays product information, we have to select the best product image from a set of images that show the same content, but have different formats (gif, png, jpg, etc.), different quality (jpeg comrpession), different sizes (thumbnails, small, medium, big) etc. The choice depends on the user's browser, current size of pa...

Is the Minimax's evaluation function an Heuristic function?

Is the Minimax's evaluation function an Heuristic function? ...

How to use the A* path finding algorithm on a grid less 2D plane?

How can I implement the A* algorithm on a gridless 2D plane with no nodes or cells? I need the object to maneuver around a relatively high number of static and moving obstacles in the way of the goal. My current implementation is to create eight points around the object and treat them as the centers of imaginary adjacent squares that mig...