
.hgignore directory "_notes" throughout repository tree?

I want to ignore all directories "_notes" throughout a repository. _notes is generated by dreamweaver and is not part of the project itself, but these directories are scattered throughout the project. Somehow ^_notes$ is not doing the job in .hgignore ... Do I have to direct .hgignore to each and every directory "_notes" or does it do i...

How to ignore the .classpath for Eclipse projects using Mercurial?

I'm trying to share a repository between my Mac (laptop) and PC (desktop). There are some external dependencies for the project that are stored on different places on each machine, and noted in the .classpath file in the Eclipse project. When the project changes are shared, the dependencies break. I'm trying to figure out how to keep th...

Mercurial: How to ignore changes to a tracked file

I have a file with database settings in my project which I have set to some defaults. The file is tracked by mercurial and checked in. Since this file will be edited with different values various developer machines, is there a way I can tell Mercurial to ignore new changes to this file? I tried adding the file to the .hgignore file, but...

How to list all files in a repository in Mercurial (hg)?

Is there a command in mercurial that will list all files currently under source control? I can do a dir /s to list all files in my folder and subfolders, but I have no idea which have been added to my repository. I have a variety of excluded file types and folders and I want verify that none of them were added before I set them up in...

Mercurial .hgignore regular expresion

Using Mercurial, I need to ignore all files and directories except directories "tests" and "languages" and files in those directories. That all must be done with regex and .hgignoere Files: tests\junk.txt cms\tests\some_file.txt cms\languages\users\lang.txt languages\lang2.txt tests.txt proba/tests.txt I tried with this: ^(?!tes...

Ignore files in Mercurial using Glob syntax

I'm using Mercurial and I have a following structure: files test demo.jpg video.flv video.doc sport demo2.jpg picture.jpg text.txt demo3.jpg demofile3.doc I want to make a glob filter that only ignore all "jpg" files in all directory that are children of "files" directory I tried with ...

Mercurial .hgignore: Some questions on how to ignore a single file

There's a particular file in my repository, libraries/database.php, that I need ignored. However, I can't get the syntax to recognize the file - I've tried **/libraries/**/database.php and libraries/database.php in glob, and ^.libraries/database.php in regex, but neither of them work. What should I do? ...

What should I put in hgignore to avoid mercurial follow the contents of a subdir?

For instance I have a folder PROJECT/db/ Where a lot of files are created, I want to prevent hg from keeping track of those files but keeping the db folder ? ...

funny that when .hgignore is added for Mercurial, this file itself shows up as "?" in hg status?

Is it normal? So you just need to add \.hgignore to the list to ignore itself? ...

What are good default items to add to .hgignore when using Eclipse?

I'm new to using Eclipse (CDT for C++ use) and would like any hints or pointers to a good default set of items to add to my ignore list (e.g. in MS Visual Studio I typically add *.suo, *.ncb, etc.). ...

How can I ignore all directories except one using .hgignore?

I'm managing $HOME using Mercurial, to keep my dotfiles nice and tracked, or at least the ones that matter to me. However, there's a profusion of files and directories in ~ that do not need to be tracked, and that set is ever-changing and ever-growing. Historically, I've dealt with this by having this .hgignore: syntax: glob * This ...

For Mercurial (Hg), why the file .hgignore cannot be ignored?

I have these in the proj/.hgignore: syntax: glob log/* *~ *.orig dump/* *.hgignore .hgignore tmp/* but for some reason, when I do an hg st or hg com, the file .hgignore still shows up to be modified or to be committed. So the .hgignore cannot be ignored? There might be particulars in my folder that my team didn't want to ignore but ...

Mercurial ignore-file for Eclipse and Android development

I have seen samples for Mercurial ignore files for Visual Studio, amongst others. I've just started playing around with Android development, and I also use this time to experimenting with Mercurial. So my question is: does anyone have a good example of a .hgignore file to use for Eclipse and Android development? For starters I've got t...

How to ignore hgignore when reverting (aka remove all useless files)

I have a .hgignore file that works great for hiding all the files and directories creating when compiling my C# projects. Now when doing a "revert" to a previous revision, I would also like to clean up my working directory, ie remove all the exes and dlls that I've previously compiled (as I may end up using the wrong version of an exe o...

Mercurial repo: ignore all folders which contain their own repo?

I came on board about 6 months ago, and when I arrived, my group was using NO form of versioning. I have since convinced mgmt to use Mercurial in new projects, so we have on our webserver the following structure: -MainFolder (which includes files for the main project) +Subfolder A, which contains (old) project A with NO hg repo +Su...

how to construct specific mercurial ignore patterns?

I would like to ignore all files that start with: ._ How would I write this in the .hgignore file? ...

How to make up a regexp that matches all files in the directory except for files with .jar extension?

Let's assume that we have the next directory structure: /parentdir/ /childdir/ child_file1.txt child_file2.jar file1.txt file2.txt so, we get next full file names: /parentdir/file1.txt /parentdir/file2.txt /parentdir/childdir/child_file1.txt /parentdir/childdir/child_file2.jar Which regular expression matche...