I'm trying to send emails from my server by a PHP script. I used to send it by a native php function mail and everything worked OK. Here's the code I used:
$to = $sMail;<br>
$subject = $sSubject;<br>
$message = $sMessage;
$headers = 'From: user@domain.com' . "\r\n";<br>
$headers .= 'Reply-To: user@domain.com' . "\r\n";<br>
$headers ....
I've written a mail that'll send emails with images as attachments. The images are displaying in yahoo and gmail. But hotmail is displaying a square grey box wherever there should be an image. The following is the code that builds the image. Of course I'm reffering to it in the mail using cid. Thanks a lot in advance.
l_embedImage = new...
How can I retrieve contacts from hotmail with python ?
Is there any example ?
Thanks ^_^
Hi at all,
I have read documentation about Windows Live API: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb463989.aspx
But how can I retrieve contacts from hotmail with python ?
Is there any example ?
I have a website where I want to allow the users to invite their friends, by getting their contacts in hotmail/msn.
Google has the google contacts API for these purposes, does MSN publish a similar javascript API?
Please note that I do not want to ask the user for their username/password like http://openinviter.com/ .
Also, if anyone ...
hi, ive set up postfix but unfortunately my emails get caught in hotmails junk/spam filter
I would like to see the email headers before they are sent to hotmail. Is there any way i can do this on linux/ubuntu?
I want to prevent sending file on hotmail/gmail accounts. Is it possible to track windows messages and hide file upload screen?
My website sends activation mails to new members using the php mail() function. I manage my email accounts using the google mail service (aspmx.googlemail.com). But unfortunately, Hotmail users receive the activation email in their unwanted folder.
I did some research and found out about SPF records (I can not use keys since I have limi...
Is there a way to login my hotmail account and send mails with a Python program?
Just recently I dove into the VideoLAN open source project. This was my first time using git, and when sending in my first patch (using git send-email --to vlc-devel@videolan.org patches), I was sent the following message from my computer's local mail in the terminal (I'm on OSX 10.6 by the way):
Mail rejected by Windows Live Hotmail fo...
My app creates a mailto-esque link that takes the end user to a Hotmail compose screen with various attributes pre-filled. Most of the functionality I need is working: to, cc, subject, body. However, Hotmail seems to be stripping out any BCC attributes that I pass into the URL.
For example, this link works as advertised:
is there any sample of using oAuth to get hotmail contact list?
Hello, I am just starting to use Microsoft Word or Publisher to sent a Email Newsletter Mailshot to my clients,
The attachment list of the photos i have used at the top of the Email does not look good.
Is there any way i can use photo's without showing the attachment list on top, or hide the list.
Many Thanks
I recently did a mailing to a lot of hotmail addresses and now all the e-mails I send out (from PHP by the way) don't seem to reach their destination. So I figure hotmail banned my url...
Is there any way to get rid of this ban so my e-mails will reach the users again (like activation e-mails etc)?
Hello all
Is there a way to make my email pass through these hotmail filters?
In gmail the mails arrive in the inbox folder
I wonder if it is possible to connect to Hotmail with JavaMail?
I've tried this but it doesn't work, connection refused...
String host = "pop3.live.com";
String username = "laqetqetqet@hotmail.com";
String password = "rqetqetq";
Session session;
Store store;
String SSL_FACTOR...
I want to allow users on my website to import contacts from their hotmail account, using OAuth. Is it possible?
I'm wondering if anyone knows how exactly Gmail, Hotmail, Facebook etc handles following scenario. (NOTE: Assuming Cookie is shared between tabs)
Opens two login page to the application.
User 1 logs in the domain.
User 1 changes some data without saving it.
User 2 logs in the domain in a separate tab.
User 1 switches back to his tab an...
Hi all
I have a form that a user enters a list of email addresses in a text box.
I want to give the text box the style of the hotmail adderess bar where each address is surrounded by a box.
is there any ideas about how to achieve this ?
Sending emails works perfectly for all major email clients, except for hotmail (and some other), it shows as: