
HttpBrowserCapabilities Custom Browser file parsing

If I have a custom .browser file, and I want to evaluate what will happen if it is given a particular User Agent, is there any way to do that through the .NET API? I was attempting to use HttpBrowserCapabilites, but I'm not sure how to load a custom .browser file into that class. ...

Does Request.Browser work always as expected?

Hi guys, I have the following piece of code to add the right CSS file in the "head" depending on browser, string browserName = Request.Browser.Browser; string browserVersion = Request.Browser.Version; Control Head = Page.Master.FindControl("stuHead"); if (Head != null) { if (browserName == "IE") { ...

Detect whether the ie8 xss filter is enabled

Is there a method by which we can detect if a user using ie8 has the XSS filter enabled? As far as I can tell, nothing changes in the User Agent or in the http headers when ie8 has the XSS filter enabled vs when it does not. That leaves some client-side detection of the use of the filter. Would it be possible to write a test page that w...

HttpBrowserCapabilities doesn't detect 64-bit Windows, what's the built-in alternative without parsing user agent string?

The two available detection options for Windows in System.WebHttpBrowserCapabilities are: Win16 Overloaded. Win32 Overloaded. If 64-bit isn't testable, the Win* properties seem rather useless. Besides parsing the user agent string, what's often used in place of these properties (maybe combinations of them)? ...

Has anyone got HttpBrowserCapabilities working in

HttpBrowserCapabilities browse = Request.Browser; just seems to bring back IE or Netscape for all other browsers. I have updated the C:\WINDOWS\system32\inetsrv browscap.ini file on the developer pc that has c#. My requirement is to trap the clients browser in server side code. Thanks. ...

Why does HttpBrowserCapabilities not work at all?

I've got a web app targeting .net 3.5 and im trying to target iPads. I've visited my page from iPhone, iPad, Chrome, Safari and it gives bad completely erroneous and useless results. I've checked my .net framework browser config folder and v2.0.50727 has a bunch of .browser file (they look pretty shonky but whatever) Anyhow, the v3.0 ...