
How to capitalize the first character of each word, or the first character of a whole string, with C#?

I could write my own algorithm to do it, but I feel there should be the equivalent to ruby's humanize in C#. I googled it but only found ways to humanize dates. Examples: A way to turn "Lorem Lipsum Et" into "Lorem lipsum et" A way to turn "Lorem lipsum et" into "Lorem Lipsum Et" ...

django ifequal naturalday

I'm not sure why, but this condition will never evaluate True for me. I'm feeding it in the urls file. Am I missing something? Template: {% load humanize %} {{|naturalday }} {# Evals to "today" #} {% ifequal|naturalday "today" %} True {{|date:"fA"|lower }} {{|natur...

How do I convert CamelCase into human-readable names in Java?

I'd like to write a method that converts CamelCase into a human-readable name. Here's the test case: public void testSplitCamelCase() { assertEquals("lowercase", splitCamelCase("lowercase")); assertEquals("Class", splitCamelCase("Class")); assertEquals("My Class", splitCamelCase("MyClass")); assertEquals("HTML", splitCa...