
Why doesn't this image sprite menu display properly, and why aren't the links working?

The code validates. There should be two more images in the menu on the left, above the visible one of the silo. And each should be a link. http://www.briligg.com/agnosticism.html css is: external style sheet: .menu { position: relative; float: left; margin: 10px; padding: 0; width: 150px; } .menu li { margin: 0; padding: 0; list-styl...

Search Links on a page

Hi everyone. I want to search my link on other pages by passing url address. After passing the url it should return some boolean value which will define the existence of my link. Preferred language ASP.net/C# If it is possible, Please help me. ...

Cufon: links change size on hover and stay that way

I have text links in a paragraph which is replaced using Cufon. For some reason, when I hover over the links, the text in them gets wider, and stays that way when I move the cursor away. A colour change, added to hover in the css, reverts as one would expect. So it isn't "stuck" in the hover state as far as I can tell. When I turn javas...

What is the RTF syntax for a hyperlink?

HTML is to <a href="x">y</a> as RTF is to _______? ...

Html link parametrs for download

I want to include link to download file in my html-page like this <a href="file_folder/myfile.exe">MyFile</a> but when I click to my link I can see binary code of my file in browser instead redirect to download file. How I can fix it without change settings of my web-server? ...

TABINDEX not working on HyperLinks

<asp:HyperLink ID="SignIn" runat="server" CssClass="SignIn" TabIndex="3">Sign In</asp:HyperLink> the problem with the above is that TABINDEX does not work. I have also a username and password TEXTBOXES and the tabindex works with them, but the hyperlink does not work. i need it also on other links, so replacing a sign in with a button...

Adding links to full change forms for inline items in django admin?

I have a standard admin change form for an object, with the usual StackedInline forms for a ForeignKey relationship. I would like to be able to link each inline item to its corresponding full-sized change form, as the inline item has inlined items of its own, and I can't nest them. I've tried everything from custom widgets to custom te...

jquery toggle: clicking on link jumps back to top of the page

I created a jquery toggle, but when I click the link to open a div it will jump to the top of the page. how can I fix this? I know I could replace the link with something else but I need to make it clear to the users that it's a link and that they can click on it. ...

Any suggestions in a way to parse headers and links from blog pages using C#?

I'm currently self-studying C# in my free time and thought of a "little" project to get me going (and one that I or others will actually find useful). It ended up being more complicated than I thought. Or maybe I'm just thinking it is? Anyway, this project would parse the homepages of the blogs (most of them are Wordpress blogs) I frequ...

Regex to replace relative link with root relative link

I have a string of text that contains html with all different types of links (relative, absolute, root-relative). I need a regex that can be executed by PHP's preg_replace to replace all relative links with root-relative links, without touching any of the other links. I have the root path already. Replaced links: <tag ... href="path/to...

Rails address and routes?

Hi Everyone, I have created a custom action within one of my controllers as follows: # GET /kases/discharge/1 # GET /kases/discharge/1.xml def discharge @kase = Kase.find_by_jobno(params[:id]) respond_to do |format| format.html { } # discharge.html.erb format.xml { render :xml => @kase } format.pdf { ...

Link doesn't let animation to end JQUERY

I create a div that when is clicked it executes an jquery script, but the problem I have is that in the animation there is a link, when you click on the link the links is execute as well as the animation but it does not let the animation to end. Is there a way to let know Jquery that when the links its executed wait for the animation to ...

Rails link from one model to another based on db field?

Hi Everyone, I have a company model and a person model with the following relationships: class Company < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :kases has_many :people def to_s; companyname; end end class Person < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :kases # foreign key in join table belongs_to :company end In the create action for the perso...

How to pass values through a redirect?

Hi, Nice to be here! I'd really appreciate some help on this issue - I run a domain search site, and am building some links that forward the customer onto GoDaddy or whoever to purchase the domain. Currently my affiliate links look like: http://www.dpbolvw.net/interactive?domainToCheck={domainname}&amp;tld={tld}&amp;checkAvail=1&amp;...

Disabling normal link behaviour on click with an if statement in Jquery?

I've been banging my head with this all day, trying anything and everything I can think of to no gain. I'm no Jquery guru, so am hoping someone here can help me out. What I'm trying to do in pseudo code (concept) seems practical and easy to implement, but obviously not so =D What I have is a navigation sidebar, with sub menu's within so...

PHP Link to session_destroy

Hello, I need to make a link that when clicked will run this in php: session_destroy(); I know how to make a link in html, but I don't know how to make it interact with php. Thanks for any help. ...

php/html add link to table <TD>

How can i add a link to my td tag from a table? onclick doesnt work for me :S, or maybe a good example :P my td tag: $world .= ('<td background="images/world/Heli.jpg" border="1"></td>'); link: <a href="?site=world&action=showvillage&id=' . getVillageID(($xm2), ($ym2)) . '"></a> thnx :D ...

Is it not possible to print a pdf from a hyperlink?

I have looked for weeks and I keep hitting dead ends. I know you can create a text or image link and tell it to "print page" in a browser. But so far, I can't get it to print a document, specifically a pdf. I would like the print dialog to show after the link is clicked and yes, the pdf linked to has been printed. Why does this seem to ...

How do I program a hyperlink to include a username and password to the target site?

We have a website with a section restricted to members only. They log in and can view the website. Some of the information is stored on another server. We want that information to ONLY be accessible to those who have logged into the main website. What would be the best way to link the two sites, without making members log in again? Se...

Any way to simulate MouseOver in WPF

I'm working on a link control in WPF which fits the text with icon links case in the Windows UX Guide. What I want is to have some text within a hyperlink that appears to the right of some image. In my case I started off by using a TextBlock that contained a Hyperlink which then contained my image and some text. <TextBlock> <...