
Form Input from Link

Hello, So I have: <input type="text" id="keyword" placeholder="placeholder" value="" /> What is the best way to go about defining the value based on the link? ie. http://mysite.com/valueplacer?=thisisthevalue Does this: <input type="text" id="keyword" placeholder="placeholder" value="thisisthevalue" /> Thanks! ...

Feed Parsing In Rails

Hi, I am working on Ubuntu 10.04 and I am using feed-zirra to parse RSS feeds and I have MySQL database. I am trying to parse RSS feeds from Times of India Top Stories. There seems to be problem with the first link, I am sure TOI guys will correct it soon. But anyway, I dont want to face similar error later so thats why I want to ask ...

Rails: URL helper to combine URL params?

How would I either create a helper or use the built-in link_to helper to combine URL params? For instance, say I'm on a page with the URL parameter of status: http://example.com/items?status=new I have another link for carriers that I'd basically want to append to that, like so: http://example.com/items?status=new&amp;carrier=fedex ...

how to generate links in php?

This is a very basic question but I couldn't seem to find anything on Google, hm. Anyway, I'm not referring to creating links, i'm talking of generating links like site.com/1 or http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3870639/how-to-generate-links-in-php, the numbers after the url are stored in the database with a corresponding post for exam...

How to put a filter expression in the URL using Perl?

Hello every1, i have issue regarding Paging using filterexpression. here's the piece of code for filtering : if ( $q->param("Filter") ) { $Id=$q->param('User_Id'); $Name=$q->param('User_Name'); if ($Id ne "" ) { $filterexpression= $filterexpression." UserId like '" .$Id. "%' and...

Facebook api status updates and the 'share' link

I have been updating status messages from my site to my clients facebook pages or fan pages using the PHP sdk like this $facebook = new Facebook('facebookApiKey', 'facebookAppSecret'); $facebook->api_client->users_setStatus($statusText, $facebookUid); When the status is posted and it shows up in my news feeds, I only have an option...

HyperLink control ends up as-is in HTML source

This is a strange one. I have a couple of hyperlinks that I use for paginating a RadGrid (next page, prev page). All works well until I decided to hide one or the other when on the first/last page. So I added the Visible attribute and set a value of true/false using a databinding expression like so: <asp:HyperLink Visible="<%#(int)DataB...

Asp Hyperlink's attribute cannot be changed using code behind.

I am a newbie in asp.net. I am trying to load the text and the URL into hyperlink from a database. After debugging, I found out that the value is successfully loaded into the hyperlink control, however it doesn't shows at the html code? Does anyone knows how this happened? Sorry for my bad English. If myReader2.Read Then...

Addclass to link in jquery.

I have made a menu that gets subpages with ajax and it works as it should. And now I would like to add a class to the link that was clicked, so I can display an active state on that link? This is what I have: $(document).ready(function(){ loadPage(); }); function loadPage(url) { //loads the menu $('#guiden...

Detecting the clicked links after ajax load in Chrome using $("a:focus")

I have a page which has a list item, and each item has a delete button. Clicking the delete button loads the child page (delete.asp?id=123) in a hidden div. delete.asp has a javascript alert (on document ready) which successfully fires when the button is clicked. It also has $("a:focus").hide(); which removes clicked link. I can't seem...

Transferring Data between two SQL Server 2000 Repository.

I need to Extract data from a SQL repository Process It and then save it in 2nd Repository. Nature of data: Transfer selected users data, though the tables are similar in both repository but not same, and some amount of processing needs to be done on the data to be transferred. The volume data is very large 5,00,000. What technique ...

Wordpress - links no longer working in my posts, returning bad request

i'm having problems putting links into my wordpress blog. the site has been up with no problems for two years now but it is no longer letting my post links in my posts. i'm trying to add in a link like this: <a href="http://google.com"&gt;link&lt;/a&gt; when the blog is published this link is returned as this: http://spacesaverscom...

Jquery Colorbox linking?

Does anybody know if there is a way to embed a link inside of a Colorbox? So, for example, I have clicked an image and opened up a Colorbox popup, then place a link in the caption to another page? Or just navigating to a different page by clicking on the image? I'm sure there is a way, but i am a little new with Javascript/JQuery. It...

Underlining the text in an submit button (html, css)

Hello All, I'm (probably unwisely) attempting to style an input submit button to make it look like a regular hyperlink. Using css everything is fine, except for the underlining, which is not being rendered. Css: input.addemail { border: 0px; background-color: #1e2f45; text-decoration: underline; cursor: hand; cursor: poin...

How to prevent users from clicking multiple times on a linked image?

I have a page with a linked image, where the link takes a bit of time to load. Therefore, users tend to click multiple times on it. This occasionally causes errors to crop up in the code. How do I prevent users from clicking on the link more than once? In an attempt to remedy this, I changed the link to an onClick event and then in the ...

Why do the last 3 <a>´s in the left menu not fill their containing <li>´s?

http://www.briligg.com/toll.html The last 3 list items in the text section only show as links when your mouse is over the far right side of them. That is the only place that triggers the :hover background color change, too. The first 2 work fine. The css validates. There are a bunch of validation errors in the html, but nothing signifi...

How can I open a jumpmenu link in lightbox?

I have created a jQuery jumpmenu (using jQuerey Selectboxes) that opens a new window and it works great . One issue is that it can be blocked by a popup blocker so I would like to open the link with lightbox2 in drupal but still use the jumpmenu. Here is the jumpmenu in action: link text And here is the jQuery // $Id$ // Selectbox Jum...

JS tabbed navigation - how keep url's working

I've built a basic tabbed interface using jQuery using this technique. I want to be able to link to the page with different tabs open. At the moment the index page loads and holds the content for all the pages in hidden divs and displays each with an animation when the tab is selected. I want to keep this functionality, but also allow d...

x86 masm hello world

I am trying to compile a hello world on windows with the ML and LINK that ship with VS 2010. .MODEL FLAT .STACK 4096 .data msg db "Hello World!",0 .code INCLUDELIB MSVCRT EXTRN printf:NEAR EXTRN exit:NEAR PUBLIC _main _main PROC mov eax, offset msg push eax call printf mov eax,0 push eax call exit _main ENDP END _main I keep getting ...

To target=_blank or not to target=_blank, that is the question!

Should links to external sites set target=_blank? E.g. I am on www.acme.net and have a link to www.otherplace.net, should that link be: <a href='http://www.otherplace.net' target='_blank'>otherplace's website</a> or: <a href='http://www.otherplace.net'>otherplace's website</a> I was under the impression that using _blank to...