
How to convert IDN to ASCII?

What is the best way to convert an internationalized domain name to its ASCII-form? I want to convert Bü into by using some sort of (free) .net code. ... function for jdk1.4

Is there any external library out there that has the same function with (which only available in jdk6) for jdk1.4? ...

Properly Matching a IDN URL

I need help building a regular expression that can properly match an URL inside free text. scheme One of the following: ftp, http, https (is ftps a protocol?) optional user (and optional pass) host (with support for IDNs) support for www and sub-domain(s) (with support for IDNs) basic filtering of TLDs ([a-zA-Z]{2,6} is enough I thi...

Absurd problem displaying silverlight video player on differing domains

I'm having a problem displaying two silverlight movies from different domains. They are both in the bindings of IIS, both are redirected to my private computer/server and both are loading a silverlight plugin into the browser. The first domain displays the movies and the contents of the silverlight. The second one doesn't. The first d...

IDN aware tools to encode/decode human readable IRI to/from valid URI

Let's assume a user enter address of some resource and we need to translate it to: <a href="valid URI here">human readable form</a> HTML4 specification refers to RFC 3986 which allows only ASCII alphanumeric characters and dash in host part and all non-ASCII character in other parts should be percent-encoded. That's what I want to pu...

Allowed unicode characters in IDN host labels

Hi all, Im currently working on a "proper" URI validator and currently it all comes down to hostname validation, the rest isnt that tricky. Im stuck at IDN hostname labels (e.g. containing unicode; possible punycode encoded strings have been decoded at this point). My first idea was basicly a regex for TLD's not supporting IDN and one...

validate email addresses with IDN in php

How to validate email id having special characters (i.e. unicode/IDN)? I tried filter_var("[email protected]", FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL) but that's not working out properly. ...

How can i code and decode urls from IDN in php?

Hi, im doing a site to check, register, etc of domains, i have to make it IDN compliant. Right now i have something like this: echo $domain; $domain = idn_to_ascii($domain); echo $domain; $domain = idn_to_utf8($domain); echo $domain; and im getting this: testing123ásd123 xn--testing123sd123-wjb testing123ĂĄsd123 as you can se...

help needed for IDN regex

based on this post link text i came up with a regex for javascript \b(([\w-]+:\/\/?|[\w\d]+[.])?[^\s()<>]+[.](?:\([\w\d]+\)|([^`!()\[\]{};:'".,<>?«»“”‘’\s]|\/))) this one matches urls like and fail for google but when i used japanese characters like 功功.jp ...

ruby toUnicode fun does not return the idn site when there is no www. in the url

In my rails app, i convert a idn url to punycode and back to idn. But if i have a url like this http://日本語.jp (without www.) domain = "http://日本語.jp" punycode = Idna.toAscii(domain) => but trying to convert it backto IDN fails idn = Idna.toUnicode(punycode) => instead of http://日本語.j...

PHP cURL get content with accented URL

Using cURL with an accented URL, I cannot get content if CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER = true. Example: $curl = curl_init(); curl_setopt ($curl, CURLOPT_URL, "Été"); curl_setopt ($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); $html = curl_exec ($curl); echo $html; $html is empty, does someone have a solution ? ...