
Why does synchronized notifyAll result in a IllegalMonitorStateException?

Why does this test program result in a java.lang.IllegalMonitorStateException? public class test { static Integer foo = new Integer(1); public static void main(String[] args) { synchronized(foo) { foo++; foo.notifyAll(); } System.err.println("Success"); } } Result: Exception...


What can cause that i get IllegalMonitorStateException in this code synchronized(syncCount){ syncCount--; syncCount.notify(); } I'm little confused, since, as far as I know running thread must have monitor on object who's notify is called. It looks to me that my code can not be wrong, but somehow it is. ...

Threads synchronizing in Java, IllegalMonitorStateException

Hello. I am trying to synchronize two threads - the "Main" thread, and a runnable. I get the IllegalMonitorStateException, but I do not completelty understand what "you do not have the lock of the object" means. Here is my code: public class ThreadsTest { private static ThreadsTest instance; public volatile boolean flag = fals...