
php image manipulation help or class?

im really having a tough time trying to upload images using php and mysql, and i really need help! this is what i want to do in natural language: 1. upload an image 2. check if format is okay(png, jpeg, gif) 3. rename the image file, so theres no ambugity in this format(eg. pic-$userid.gif) 4. upload the pic to the images/folder 5. an...

How to detect and convert progressive jpegs with python

I'd like to be able to detect progressive jpegs using python and convert them to non progressive. (I'm writing a tool to manage images for android and progressive jpegs seem to break it.) ...

how to change the color of an image but can still recognize the object?

The title maybe a little vague, let me give you an example: if we change a colorful image into black and white, we still can recognize the objects in it. My question is, can I change the color to RED or GREEN or other color rather than black and white in programs(I prefer Java). [Update] : what I want to do is just like this question: ...

image processing in php and get PDFof processed image.

Hi All I am working on one script in which I have to create one image based on given text. Basically I have to place those texts on various places of the generating images. Up to this my work done. Below is the code for that. header ("Content-type: image/jpeg"); $handle = imagecreate(415, 588) or die ("Cannot Create image"); $inve...

200,000 images in single folder in linux, perfomance issue or not?

Hi, I have a php/mysql website with over 200,00 images in single folder (linux server). I don't think, that I will never need to see them in file explorer, instead they will be viewed on website on their individual pages. They are just displayed in product page on website. File system is ext3. so is it wise to save them in single fold...

PHP (external) safe image with cache?

Hello, Is there a way to display external images with PHP having cache? I want display images like: Basically like what Facebook does. What's best way to achieve this? Thanks. Edit This is my code now: $image_url = $_GET['url']; $ch = curl_init(); $timeout = 0; curl_setopt ...

PHP & Javascript: Image file description properties (Summary tab)

Image files come with description properties like title, subject and keyword (summary tab). How do I "get" these properties in PHP? is there a function that allows me to the same in Javascript? ...

Performance wise, what is typically better, using an image or a xml created shape as a drawable?

For example, if each row in a list had a background that was a gradient, would it be better to use a image of a gradient or to define that gradient in a shape drawable in xml? Is there is significant performance difference between the two methods? ...

C# PictureBox - Can't make it work

I'm having trouble displaying a PictureBox in C#. I have two forms. In my main form I'm calling the other form, where the PictureBox is located. This is how I am calling the second form: frmODeck oDeck = new frmODeck(); oDeck.Show(); Now, this is my second form, where the PictureBox is located from main form namespac...

How to add tool tip for image in Drupal? Using custom template.

I'm using Drupal 6.x. This is my code on my node-product.tpl.php template. I've created a custom jquery gallery for the products. It works great, but I'm just missing tool tips from my images (both large and small thumbnails). To upload images I'm using a CCK field named field_images. There I input the image titles when I upload the imag...

[Adobe AIR] How can I catch the event of image loading completed?

Core of my code is following: var img:Image = new Image; img.source = 'http://..........'; img.autoLoad = true; img.cachePolicy = 'on'; img.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, function(event:Event):void { trace('Loaded!', img.source); }); img.addEventListener(SecurityErrorEvent.SECURITY_ERROR, function(event:Event):void { trace('E...

Problem using image files in Android

I am writing an Android app, which is basically a quiz. A it contains pictures of animals and the user must click on the correct picture. The pictures are all png files used as background pictures for button views. The problem I have/had is with the onCLick method. THis is the code. public void onClick(View view) { if(view == r1)...

WPF how users add images

What is the best way to allow a user to insert photos for an image viewer? The end result I am looking for would be thumbnails in a listbox that when selected would open in a viewbox. I understand the binding, but I don't know how to get the photos to a folder or whatever from the user. ...

Javascript resize text as an image

Hi, I was wondering how to resize a div containing some text by setting a width and height so it would stretch to fill that area like an tag? E.g. when you set the width and height attribute of an image, it resizes the image to fill that area. I need to take an arbitrary width and height value and stretch a div containing text to those...

python, django: copy image

I created this function, to copy an image from a django-model to another django-model. The image has to be saved redundantly: def __copy_file__(from_object,to_object,field): attr = field.attname try: newpath = getattr(from_object,attr).path dot_at = newpath.rfind(".") while os.path.exists(newpath): ...

Stitching Several Images Together Using Javascript

Hi! I'm currently coding a game that makes use of Google Maps' Static API - However, a limitation of the API means that I can only get a maximum of 640x640 images from it and I need much larger images for my game. As such I'm just wondering if it's possible to stitch multiple s...

Dynamic Image Creation Using Python over a Web Page

Hello everyone, im new to learning python and i've been trying to implement a text to image converter that runs on a web page. 1.I have succeeded in making the functional code that converts the text into image ,in python using the PIL module. (i.e user enters input text at run time and that gets converted into an image and is stored in...

flip and rotate a color image in MATLAB

How do I flip a color image (RGB) in MATLAB? The fliplr does not seem to work without losing the color contents, as it only deals with 2D. As well, the imrotate may not rotate color images. ...

How to store a string in image type column in SQL Server Using SqlParameter

I have a SQL Server database, and I want to store in image type column some string. I'm trying to do the following : SqlParameter myparam = new SqlParameter("@myparam", "VeryLongString"); myparam.SqlDbType = SqlDbType.Image; when I add it to the command and then execute it, I get the following error : Failed to convert paramete...

How can i write 4.0 image handler for serving images from a cookieless domain

How can i write 4.0 image handler for serving images from a cookieless domain i created a cookieless subdomain but the problem is i dont want to change my all source code instead i want to write handler to process all .jpg , .png and .gif files to that domain how can i do that at microsoft visual studio 2010 , 4.0 ,...