
Mouseovers on image maps in IE8

I'm having a problem with IE (who isn't) executing my javascript. Are there any known issues with attaching mouseovers to image maps in IE8? I'm not seeing any similar posts. For instance, here is the HTML in one of my pages: <map name="Map" id="Map"> <area shape="poly" coords="2,575,389,637,388,19,1,74" alt="Main Page" onmouseover="...

how to get server side events on image map in MVC2

please provide me any good link of tutorial/code of how to provide server side events with image map in MVC2. ...

Image mapping like feature in Java swing, Points vs GeneralPath

My gaol is to draw several images using 2D graphics in a paintComponent() method. However, I'm not sure how I could add a MouseListener such that each image would know if it was selected. My solution thus far is too simply record the coordinates of the mouse click, and see if they are contained within the boundaries of each of the image...