
Import/Export updated rows in MySQL database via PHP

Hi all, I am currently having two databases that contains same data on two servers. One is a VPS and other one is a reseller account. So, what I want to do is, Import updated rows in few tables from reseller's database and export them to vps's database via PHP. I can add a 'lastupdate' field to database1 and update it's value when any...

Import .CSV files onto SQLite

Hello, I am having some problem in importing a .csv file into a sqlite table. My .csv file looks like this Name,Age,, Hamish,27,, Praveen,27,, There are no trailing spaces anywhere. I create a table in the SQLite db with the same schema, but when i run shows me an error saying "expected 2 columns of data but found 1". Prob...

Importing data through API for thousands of users by using threads

In our application we need to import transaction data from paypal through an API for the users of my application and store in the database. I've thousands (approx 5k now) of users and it is increasing day by day. This application is a .net windows service. This imports data on hourly basis for all the users. At present we are importing...

How to import Photoshop Shapes in Flash

I'm looking for a method to import Photoshop shapes intro flash. I want to import them as vectors not bitmaps. Is it possible? ...

Oracle: importing data pump dump without knowledge dump file content.

Old approach for exporting/importing whole schema: exp user/pwdp@server FILE=export.dmp OWNER=user ROWS=Y imp newuser/pwd@server FULL=Y FILE=export.dmp New approach: expdp user/pwdp@server DUMPFILE=export.dp DIRECTORY=exportfolder However had a problem with importing: impdp newuser/pwdp@server DUMPFILE=export.dp DIRECTORY=exp...

Python import problem with Django management commands

For whatever reason, when I was new to Python and Django, I wrote some import statements like this at the top of a file: from django.contrib import auth And I'd use it like this: class MyModel(models.Model): user = models.ForeignKey(auth.models.User) # ... This worked fine. A long time later, I wrote a custom mana...

Python, Django, using Import from inside of a class, can't seem to figure this out

I want to use imports inside a class that is then inherited by another class so that I don't have to manually define my imports in each file. I am trying it like this but its not working, any advice is appreciated: class Djangoimports (): def __init__(self): from django.template import Context print Context class I...

Python, trying to instantiate class imported using __import__, getting ''module' object is not callable'

I've been researching how to do this and I can't figure out what I am doing wrong, I want to use import to import a class and then instantiate it and am doing it as so: the class, from a file called "action_1", I have already imported / appended the path to this) class Action_1 (): def __init__ (self): pass how I am tryin...

Pass Variable On Import

Let's say you have some time-consuming work to do when a module/class is first imported. This functionality is dependent on a passed in variable. It only needs to be done when the module/class is loaded. All instances of the class can then use the result. For instance, I'm using rpy2: import rpy2.robjects as robjects PATH_TO_R_SOUR...

How to generate Signature for the AWS Import API request ?

According to the AWS Import API docs the request looks like this: POST / HTTP/1.1 content-type:application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=utf-8 host: content-length:356 Operation=CreateJob&Manifest=manifestVersion%3A%202.0%0Abucket%3A%20myBucket %0AaccessKeyId%3A%2013Q2729HYRYMYRB3FK02%0AreturnAddress...

Some data is modified without apparent reason when importing .cvs to a MySQL db, any idea?

So I'm impoting a 80000+ lines .cvs files to a MySQL database, using Import CVS via LOAD DATA in phpMyAdmin, and it seems to work fine, there are no error messages. Problem is, ater the import, all lines in the table, starting with line 24002 have the same number in one of my database fields, and this number doesn't even exist in the .c...

Can anyone help me with importing Google Profile using MVC 1.0 in my website?

I have searched on net about Google profile import. I have successfully implemented importing of User Contacts into my application but I am not able to import Google Profile. Please do the needful. Thanks :) ...

Python package/module lazily loading submodules

Hello! Interesting usecase today: I need to migrate a module in our codebase following code changes. The old mynamespace.Document will disappear and I want to ensure smooth migration by replacing this package by a code object that will dynamically import the correct path and migrate the corresponding objects. In short: # instanciate a...

How to get the user's google profile info after getting the credentials from the user in / mvc 1.0 ?

I want to use the user credentials to get me access to their account so that i can get their profile info . My site will provide a link saying "import profile from GOOGLE"..when the user clicks on it ..he is asked the user name and password ..on it entry i want to get their info. I tried using GOOGLE API but i am not able to find a way t...

What should be the domain name in google api AppsService..

using Google.GData.Apps; AppsService service = new AppsService(domain, userName, password); I am using google APi and i came across a Class AppsService which have parameters domain,username and password..Since i am working locally my domain name is "localhost" and password and username is empty ...Am i right with this or am i making a ...

How to add automatically the imports in a Java project?

Hi, I generate (from a progam java) some Java classes but actually, I don't add the import in each class. I'd like to have a kind of parser that is able to see which import needs to be added in a class. Maybe, it's possible to reuse the fonctionnality of Eclipse because it's able to do that. However, I don't know where I can find that. ...

IBM Eclipse WSDL Editor: How do I include an external wsdl/schema?

Hello: I am trying to create Web Services from the Top-Down approach. I downloaded Eclipse and am using the WSDL gui editor in it to build my WSDL files. I am splitting up my Services based on "modules". The Types I am adding to the WSDLs all need to reference common stuff, such as PersonEntity, AddressEntity, States enumeration (simpl...

How to import two classes with the same name in different packages?

I want to import these two classes, both named Query - one a JDO class, the other a JPA class, to use in different methods in the same class. import javax.jdo.Query; import javax.persistence.Query; Is there a way to globally import both of them at the same time at the top of the file? ...

import csv/excel file into magento database

hello all I just want to ask .... is there any method or tool by which csv/excel file of products can be directly imported to magento database? I have no idea about it .. Thanks! Richa ...

Python circular dependency import

Say I have three files like this: testimports module: #import moduleTwo import moduleOne hiString = "Hi!" moduleOne.sayHi() moduleOne: import moduleTwo class sayHi(): moduleTwo.printHi() moduleTwo: import testimports def printHi(): print(testimports.hiString) If I run testimports, I get the following: Traceback (mo...