
Why the toolbar button icon is grey at runtime?

I"m setting the icon of a toolbar button (using Infragistics component library for the toolbar), The problem is that on design time the icon is showing normally. But at runtime the icon become greyed, though the drawing of the icon is still apparent, but its colors are all lost and the shape of the icon image is grey. So i'm wondering if...

VB.NET - how to remove Infragistic

I moved a vb project to a new computer. This one does not have Infragistic libraries installed. Apparently on the original computer it was installed, and the vb project must have some reference to it (see error bellow) even though I'm not using it in the project. So I am getting this error on the new computer. Unable to resolve type 'I...

What is causing the error 'Must specifiy both property and value for setter'?

I have a style which toggles the visibility of an image depending on an underlying DataContext property. Unfortunately I keep getting an error: 'Must specify both property and value for setter' The XAML looks like <Style TargetType="{x:Type igDP:LabelPresenter}" x:Key="BuySellLabelStyle"> <Setter Property="Template"> ...

Infragistics 7.1Type or namespace name 'Range' could not be found

In infragistics7.1 build error shows at Infragistics.Excel.Range type or namespace name 'Range' could not be found.All the reference dlls has been added.Any suggestions? ...

Set Band Override in Infragistics 9.2 Winform Grid bound to IBindingList<T>

I am brand-new to Infragistics grids (used DevExpress before) and need to set an overall Band override on my grid to stop the '+' expansion indicator when there are no child rows( Override.ExpansionIndicator = ShowExpansionIndicator.CheckOnDisplay). My grid is bound to an object that implements IBindingList, so I gather that any perform...

Styling WPF controls inline with Infragistics themes

Hi, we are using Infragistics WPF controls (e.g. xamDataGrid, xamDockManager etc), and we will be using the Infragistics Office 2007 Blue theme which these controls support. We also want to style the rest of the application (i.e. standard WPF controls) using the same Office 2007 Blue style. What's the best approach? Are there Office ...

Access/rights to Infragistics images and javascipt in Sharepoint for a page in _layouts

The Infragistics images and javascript files are located on the server in: "\nasmoss\c$\Inetpub\wwwroot\aspnet_client\Infragistics". I created a page and put it in the _layouts folder in Sharepoint. It is just a hierarchical grid. It has the + to expand the group. For certian users, it displays a red X showing the images are not avai...

How to bind objects list to infragistics data grid?

Pretty simple task, but the source code doesn't do required job... Please advise. There is Products collection in the class (approach is based on the MVVm pattern, but that is not influe on the current issue): public class ProductWindowViewModel : WorkspaceViewModel // implements INotifyPropertyChanged { public ProductWindowViewMod...

Submenu does not move with scrollbar

I have an Infragistics UltraWebMenu control. When the browser's vertical scrollbar is at the top, the submenu items appear nicely. However, if I do the following steps: Move the vertical scrollbar down. Click one of menu item, so that the submenu comes. Move vertical scrollbar up. Then the submenu still stay there, not moving along...

How can I emulate key press with copy & paste in an Infragistics UltraWinGrid?

I am using the Infragistics UltraWinGrid (version Win 9.1). The default behavior is to allow the user to type text into a cell. When one copies multiple cells from an Excel spreadsheet, only the first cell's data will be pasted into the UltraWinGrid. One can easily change the behavior to paste multiple cells by setting the UltraWinGrid ...

Date picker doesnt allow edit and no null accepting

Hi Friends, Iam new to this forums. by the suggestion of my friend i came to know that this forum is very very good and we get a very good responses. iam new to .NET 3.5 , WPF, infragistics and MVVM. I have two calender controls and button control ( when clicking the button user see a list of events between the date range. We follow M...

autocomplete dropdown in Infragistics ultrawebgrid cell

Hi, I want to an autocomplete dropdown control in the ultrawebgrid cell in edit mode, so user can type the data and value is filled in automatically if exists, invalid data should not be permitted. is this possible? I don't want to use webcombo, it is too heavy and I don't need a multi-column dropdown. I want a simple dropdownlist, but ...

Infragistics license exceptions when MSBuild-ing

When running the MSBuild scripts for a project, I'm getting the following errors: Properties\licenses.licx(1): error LC0004: Exception occurred creating type 'Infragistics.Win.UltraWinEditors.UltraNumericEditor, Infragistics.Win.UltraWinEditors.v5.2, Version=5.2.20052.1028, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7dd5c3163f2cd0cb' System.Compon...

How do I make pressing the Enter key cause focus to move to the cell below like Excel's default behavior?

I am using an Infragistics UltraWinGrid v9.1. I want to allow the user to enter numerical data in a cell, press Enter and then have the focus on the cell below, like you see in Excel. It appears that the KeyUp event might be better than the KeyPressed event for this, but I keep throwing an exception that I have gone beyond the bounds of ...

How do I Add unbound columns to an Infragistics UltraGrid only once without throwing an exception?

With the NetVantage Windows Forms 9.1 UltraGrid, I want to add some unbound columns to do some simple calculations. The first time this code is entered in the InitializeLayout delegate, it finds that the columns don't exist yet and then adds them. Suprisingly, when I get new data, rebind the grid, and then enter this delegate again, it s...

UltraWebGrid dropdown changed event

If you have defined a column and set the type to dropdownlist how do you intercept the event when the selected item in the dropdown changes? What I am attempting to do is populate the first column with a dropdown. Once a value there is selected I will populate the remaining column from the choice made in the dropdown. I am just not su...

Selenium + JavaScript + Infragistics WebDateChooser

Hi everyone, I am working on Selenium tests for one of our pages that has an Infragistics WebDateChooser. It took me a while to get to where I could set the date field from the Selenium test, but I finally got something to work: waitForEval | javascript{this.browserbot.getUserWindow().igdrp_getComboById('ctl00_MainBody_ctl00_fdosDatePi...

Context menu items

Hi! I made context menu for UltrawinGrid, when i click right mouse button then the context menu open. This is the code that I use for my menu: Private Sub ShowContextMenu(ByVal mousePoint As Point) Dim cMenu As ContextMenu = New ContextMenu cMenu.MenuItems.Add("Delete") cMenu.MenuItems.Add("Copy") cMen...

How to show Infragistics's UltraDesktopAlert from thread

hi. i am facing problem from many days. I have a thread listening for notificaitons from other system. whenever i receive a notification over socket i want to display it in Alert window using Infragistics's UltraDesktopAlert control. there is no winform in this class library. please tell me how to display it using a thread. a sample is...

Create a "release notes" screen in Winforms using Infragistcs Netadvantage components

I've "inherited" a fairly substantial Winforms project using the Infragistics NetAdvantage 2007 Vol. 2 set of components. I'm not awfully familiar with those, and how I'm facing a problem - someone who knows them probably will have a solution in no time - so here's my question: I'm tasked with creating a "Release Notes" screen, which s...