
In C#, how can I downcast a previously upcasted object without knowing it's type?

I have an interface method public void Execute(ICommand command); which needs to pass known subtypes of ICommand to an apropriate Handle(SpecificCommand command) method implementation and do some generic handling of unknown types. I am looking for a universal (i.e. not requiring a giant switch) method of doing so, something similar ...

Help With Overriding and Inheritance...

Ok, bear with me guys and girls as I'm learning. Here's my question. I can't figure out why I can't override a method from a parent class. Here's the code from the base class (yes, I pilfered the java code from an OOP book and am trying to rewrite it in C#). using System; public class MoodyObject { protected String getMood() ...

Can a JavaScript object have a prototype chain, but also be a function?

function a () { return "foo"; } a.b = function () { return "bar"; } function c () { }; c.prototype = a; var d = new c(); d.b(); // returns "bar" d(); // throws exception, d is not a function Is there some way for d to be a function, and yet still inherit properties from a? ...

Missing 'virtual' qualifier in function declarations

Whilst trawling through some old code I came across something similar to the following: class Base { public: virtual int Func(); ... }; class Derived : public Base { public: int Func(); // Missing 'virtual' qualifier ... }; The code compiles fine (MS VS2008) with no warnings (level 4) and it works as expected - Func i...

C++: invalid conversion from ‘BaseNode*’ to ‘Match*’

All objects in my program inherit from a Container class. The Container class has a virtual BaseNode* getParent() const; method and a virtual void setParent(BaseNode *p); method. I have a Set class (Set in a tennis match, not a data structure) which has the Match class as it's parent (via setParent()) but since Set inherits from Contai...

Comment Inheritance for C# (actually any language)

Hi All, Suppose I have this interface public interface IFoo { ///<summary> /// Foo method ///</summary> void Foo(); ///<summary> /// Bar method ///</summary> void Bar(); ///<summary> /// Situation normal ///</summary> void Snafu(); } And this class public class Foo : IFoo { publi...

How many .hbm files are needed to represent Hibernate Inheritance?

In order to represent inheritance how many hbm files are needed? How do I represent the relationship between base and subclasses in the subclass hbm file? I want hbm and pojo class of super and sub class. ...

Inheriting constructors


In C++ is it possible to have a defined purely virtual function?

Here's the deal. I have a big class hierarchy and I have this one method that is extended all the way through. The method always has to look at one or two more variable at each new level and these variable depend on the actual class in the hierarchy. What I want to do is check those two extra variables then call the superclass's version ...

How do I find the "concrete class" of a django model baseclass

I'm trying to find the actual class of a django-model object, when using model-inheritance. Some code to describe the problem: class Base(models.model): def basemethod(self): ... class Child_1(Base): pass class Child_2(Base): pass If I create various objects of the two Child classes and the create a queryset con...

Classes with Collections as Properties vs. Classes Inheriting Collections

Recently I used a class that inherits from a collection instead of having the collection instantiated within the class, is this acceptable or does it create unseen problems further down the road? Examples below for the sake of clarity: public class Cars : List<aCar> instead of something like: public class Cars { List<aCar> CarList =...

Is multiple inheritance possible in VB .Net?

Is multiple inheritance possible in VB .Net? If so, what is the syntax? ...

VB.NET Creating Classes, What is Public Class MyClass(Of Type) ?

I'm still learning ASP.NET and I often see code like this throughout parts of our framework: Public MustInherit Class DBFileManager(Of F As IDBFile, FC As IDBFileContent, FT As IDBFileThumb) Can anybody tell me what this means? Much thanks! ...

Need I to put overload or override words after the constructor declaration in derived class?

I have a class hierarchy, this one: type TMatrix = class protected //... public constructor Create(Rows, Cols: Byte); //... type TMinMatrix = class(TMatrix) private procedure Allocate; procedure DeAllocate; public constructor Create(Rows, Cols: Byte); constructor CreateCopy(var t...

Should inheritance (of non-interface types) be removed from programming languages?

This is quite a controversial topic, and before you say "no", is it really, really needed? I have been programming for about 10 years, and I can't honestly say that I can recall a time where inheritance solved a problem that couldn't be solved another way. On the other hand I can recall many times when I used inheritance, because I...

How would you design the the control tree/hierarchy without inheritance?

I am aware of the responses at Prefer composition over inheritance and am aware of the merits of composition over inheritance. But there are cases where inheritance does have a good role to play. It's the incorrect use of inheritance hierarchy that causes all the issues related to reuse. Take the example of the following controls......

Descendant Enumeration in Objective-C

Is it possible to get a list of all descendant classes of a particular class in objective-c? Something like: @interface A : NSObject @end @interface B : A @end @interface C : A @end NSArray *descendants = [A allDescendants]; // descendants = [B, C] ...

When is it prudent to use friendship in OOP?

I'm currently getting through the tutorial and I came across this section here: that deals with the subject of friend functions and friend classes in C++. My question is, when When is it prudent to use friendship when creating a program? The only clue I g...

Setting up a foreign key to an abstract base class with Django

I've factored out common attributes from two classes into an abstract base class, however I have another model that needs to reference either one of those classes. It's not possible to reference an ABC as it doesn't actually have a database table. The following example should illustrate my problem: class Answer(models.Model): ovram...

Inheriting from ViewPage

Is it possible to inherit from both ViewPage and ViewPage<T>?? Or do I have to implement both. Currently this is what I have for ViewPage. Do i need to repeat myself and do the same for ViewPage<T>?? public class BaseViewPage : ViewPage { public bool LoggedIn { get { if (Vi...