
Json Jackson deserialization without inner classes

Hi everyone, I have a question concerning Json deserialization using Jackson. I would like to deserialize a Json file using a class like this one: (taken from public class User { public enum Gender { MALE, FEMALE }; public static class Name { private String _first, _last; ...

Compile error on inheritance of generic inner class extending with bounds

I have a problem when compiling a generic class with an inner class. The class extends a generic class, the inner class also. Here the interface implemented: public interface IndexIterator<Element> extends Iterator<Element> { ... } The generic super class: public abstract class CompoundCollection<Element, Part extends Collecti...

How to use objects as modules/functors in Scala?

Hi. I want to use object instances as modules/functors, more or less as shown below: abstract class Lattice[E] extends Set[E] { val minimum: E val maximum: E def meet(x: E, y: E): E def join(x: E, y: E): E def neg(x: E): E } class Calculus[E](val lat: Lattice[E]) { abstract class Expr case class Var(name: String) extends...

Pass in the object a java class is embedded in as a parameter.

I'm building an android application, which has a list view, and in the list view, a click listener, containing an onItemClick method. So I have something like this: public class myList extends ListActivity { @Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { getListView().setOnItemClickListener(new OnItemClickListe...

How to override inner class methods if the inner class is defined as a property of the top class

I have a code snippet like this class A(object): class b: def print_hello(self): print "Hello world" b = property(b) And I want to override the inner class b (please dont worry about the lowercase name) behaviour. Say, I want to add a new method or I want to change an existing method, like: class C(A): ...

Java Inner Classes

im new to Java and have the following question regarding inner classes: when implementing a inner class do i need to declare its attributes and methods scope i.e. public, private, protected? EDIT: with the absense of delegates like in C# could someone mention how best to implement a messaging system in Java that enables communication b...

Why we use inner classes ?

Hi, I want to ask you why we need inner classes and why we use them ? I know how to use inner classes but I don't know why.. ...

Java "this" and inner class

Is it possible to get a reference to this from within a Java inner class? i.e. Class outer { void aMethod() { NewClass newClass = new NewClass() { void bMethod() { // How to I get access to "this" (pointing to outer) from here? } }; } } ...

Java: limit to nest classes?

A very poor style to code but sometimes unavoidable. It is an extreme example. So is there some limit for nesting classes? are they equivalent? how do you deal with such situations? Create library? Code new FileObject().new Format().new Words().new Some().new Continue someThing; ((((new FileObject()).new Format()).new Words()).ne...

Problem with inner classes of the same name in Visual C++

I have a problem with Visual C++ 2005, where apparently inner classes with the same name but in different outer classes are confused. The problem occurs for two layers, where each layer has a listener interface as an inner class. B is a listener of A, and has its own listener in a third layer above it (not shown). The structure of the ...

Class accessing inner class privates?

Class Outer { ... private class Node { private T data; ... private T getData() { return data; } } } What's the purpose of using set and get methods if the outer class can access inner class private members? What's the purpose of making inner classes private? Package access? ...

How does java implement inner class closures?

In Java an anonymous inner class can refer to variables in it's local scope: public class A { public void method() { final int i = 0; doStuff(new Action() { public void doAction() { Console.printf(i); // or whatever } }); } } My question is how is this actually...

Java: Non-static nested classes and instance.super()

I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around non-static nested classes in Java. Consider the following example, which prints "Inner" and then "Child". class Outer { class Inner { Inner() { System.out.println("Inner"); } } } public class Child extends Outer.Inner { Child(Outer o) { o.super(); Syste...

Does Java have a .new operator?

I came across this code today whilst reading Accelerated GWT (Gupta) - page 151. public static void getListOfBooks(String category, BookStore bookStore) { serviceInstance.getBooks(category, BookListUpdaterCallback()); } public static void storeOrder(List books, String userName, BookStore bookStore) { serviceInstanc...

Why is an anonymous inner class containing nothing generated from this code?

When run through javac on the cmd line Sun JVM 1.6.0_20, this code produces 6 .class files OuterClass.class OuterClass$1.class OuterClass$InnerClass.class OuterClass$InnerClass2.class OuterClass$InnerClass$InnerInnerClass.class OuterClass$PrivateInnerClass.class When run through JDT in eclipse, it produces only 5 classes. OuterC...

Eclipse says I don't implement Enumeration, but I do

Goodmorning everybody, I'm having a little problem with a project for school. We are told to make an Iterator that implements Enumeration over a Hashmap. So i made this Enumeration: public Enumeration<Object> getEnumeration() { return new Enumeration<Object>() { private int itemsDone = 0; Collection<Lon...

what is the use of inner classes in java ? is nested classes and inner classes are same?

Possible Duplicate: Java inner class and static nested class what is the use of inner classes in java ? is nested classes and inner classes are same? ...

Confused with Inner Classes, simple actions

I have a simple form setup and I was following how the book, Core Java Vol I, sets up their forms, where they have a top level class that extends JFrame create objects of the different components, and lays them out in the frame. If this isn't the way you are "typically" supposed to do it, please let me know. I got confused when I wrot...

About local final varibles in Java

In java Program, parameters which is defined as String in method declaration. But in method definition it is accessed as final String variable. Whether it'll lead to some issues (like security, memory problem)? For Example: Method Declaration join(String a,String b); Method definition public void join(final String a,final String b)...

Raising an event from inner class to be handled at outer class, How to Do ?

I have a class A, B class A { public class B { public event EventHandler handleClick; public void eventraising(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (handleClick != null) handleClick(this, e); } } //handle raised event...