
during magento installation i got Database server does not support InnoDB

Hi, I am trying to install latest magento version on jaquarpc. When i entered the database name,username and password it throws an error saying Database server does not support InnoDB storage engine Database connection error I also referred to magento forums..

Moving data from MyISAM to InnoDB - records count error

I've been trying to move some data from a MyISAM database table to a different InnoDB database. The method I used to do that was to Select into outfile from the MyISAM table and then LOAD DATA INTO the InnoDB. The tables don't match perfectly, but the InnoDB table looks like this Field | Type | Null | Key | Defau...

Which tables will be locked with this query?

I am migrating data between two tables using the query below. I had table locking issues, so I am considering changing the table engines from MyISAM to InnoDB. Which tables do I need to do that for? Just the table I am writing to, or both the table I am writing to and the one I am reading from? INSERT INTO table1 ( field1, field2, fie...

mysql ( innodb )foreign key constraints problems

Hello I am running into a couple of issues while trying to generate foreign keys for my tables in MySql(Innodb). Can you please help me with them ? Referenced tables : *create table entity { PID INT(20) auto inc not null, ENTITYID INT(20) not null, details VARCHAR(100) not null, primary key(PID,ENTITYID) } create table user { ...


Hi, I am starting to experiment with using InnoDB in web applications. I've setup some tables with a foreign key, but they are not behaving as expected. Here are my table CREATE statements: CREATE TABLE sections ( section_id INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, PRIMARY KEY(section_id), title VARCHAR(30), created_at int(10) NOT NULL, upda...

Set AUTO_INCREMENT starting value in a InnoDB table to zero?

Is there any to get the an AUTO_INCREMENT field of a InnoDB to start counting from 0 not 1 CREATE TABLE `df_mainevent` ( `idDf_MainEvent` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, PRIMARY KEY (`idDf_MainEvent`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; ...


I've got about 20,000 rows in an INNODB table called 'cards', so FULLTEXT is not an option. Please consider this table: id | name | description ---------------------------------------------------------- 1 John Smith Just some dude 2 Ted Johnson Another dude 3 Johnathan Todd This guy too...

MySQL InnoDB locking only the affected rows?

I have an InnoDB table containing users, like this: +--------------+-----------------------+ | user_id | name | +--------------+-----------------------+ | 1 | Bob | | 1 | Marry | | 2 | Bob | | 1 | John |...

Is it true that MyISAM engine is more preferable than InnoDB when we are building clustered storage? Why if it is so?

I heard this today during interview for java developer. I had to list some advantages of MyISAM over InnoDB and why it's still being widely used. And they were waiting to hear from me the answer as the title of this question. As I understand from their own answer: MyISAM doesn't have foreign keys and DB can be easily clustered (one tabl...

Page vs. Extent vs. Segment vs. Tablespace

Mysql's Innodb has concepts of page, extent, segment, tablespace but I don't know how they interact with each other. How are they related? What does it mean a tablespace has 16K of pages? How does this relate to the physical rows and is 'pages' something in the memory? I would assume that Oracle might have the same concept but I'm not s...

large mysql (innodb) database - slow query performance, disappearing tables and long time to restore backups

I've a database with 3 of the tables having rows in excess of 20 million each. I've used GUIDs as primary keys (unfortunately). Now our database is about 20GB and growing 5GB per month. It takes about 2 hrs to take full backup of the database, and 30hrs to restore on a box with 4GB RAM. We once have all the tables from database disappe...

MySQL storage engine decision

Hello,I am a web designer from the Netherlands. I am sort of new to building web apps from scratch, i have always used CMS, and customized them. I am building a Auction website in php/mysql, which is finished. Recently i read a few articles about storage engines. I have a few question that have been bothering me for a while now: ...

InnoDB Transaction Help - Select then if Not Found Add Unique Row

Hi all! I have a mysql table that contains IPAddress parts TABLE `EndPoints`( `EndPointId` BIGINT(19) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT , `IpPart1` TINYINT(3) UNSIGNED NOT NULL , `IpPart2` TINYINT(3) UNSIGNED NOT NULL , `IpPart3` TINYINT(3) UNSIGNED NOT NULL , `IpPart4` TINYINT(3) UNSIGNED NOT NULL , PRIMARY KEY ...

Does MySQL InnoDB always require an index for each foreign key constraint?

I am using phpMyAdmin. In order to set up a foreign key constraint with InnoDB (under the "Relation View" link on the Structure tab) it appears that I need to add an index for the field to which I want to add the restraint. This obviously has an impact on performance of inserts/updates on the table, particularly if there are several cons...

Am I right that InnoDb is better for frequent concurrent updates and inserts than MyISAM?

Hello, We have a websites with hundreds of visitors every day and tens of thousands queries a day. So, some tables in the database are updated very rarely, some tables are updated few times a minute and some tables are updated ~10 times a seconds. MyISAM uses table-level locking for updates and InnoDb uses row-level locking. So, as I und...

mySQL - Apply a row level lock using mysqli

Using PHP's mysqli how do you apply a row level lock? Row level locks stop anyone editing currently present rows that match your criteria right? but do they stop a user inserting a row which matches your criteria? Thanks ...

When it is time for a table to change from MyISAM to InnoDb?

This question is like a continuation of my previous question: But this time I have concrete questions. We know that MyISAM is faster than InnoDb when we don't have many concurrent updates (inserts). When we have ...

mySQL - Set isolation level using PHP's mysqli

How do I set the isolation level of a transaction to 'SERIALIZABLE' in PHP using mysqli? I have looked everywhere and I can't find any information on it. Here is an explanation of the isolation levels. ...

Select statement blocks the read/write operation on the InnoDB table

I have a Select query which executes on a transactional table having more than 4 million records. Whenever I execute this query , I observe that all write and update operations on that particular transactional table become suspended and we start getting exceptions from java side that lock wait timeout exceeds , try restarting transaction...

MySQL foreign key problem

A client of mine recently formatted his machine and re-installed MySQL Server and my application. He complained that deleting records from master table is not affecting the child tables. I requested him to send the backup of the database. When I restored the database, I found that the Table Engine has changed to MyISAM whereas they were ...