
What Does a Standard "Installation" actually do?

Hi! I'm just a hobbyist programmer more or less and have grown up coding-wise in the .NET ClickOnce world. As much as I hesitate to do so, I'd really like to ask what I guess is a pretty basic question: When one "installs" a program, what actually happens?! Also: Some little apps/tools just run from the exe. Why do most programs need ...

VS 2005 professional edition x86

I am trying to install vs 2005 professional editon x86 on vista. My machine and operating system both are 64 bit. When I start setup it shows .net framework for 64 bit. I exit from the installation. can anybody help me out? Is it normal that 32 bit application become 64 bit on 64 bit vista and machine. ...

Does Mac OS X have a better installation story than Windows?

I'm a Windows developer... I know nothing about Apple Mac OS X. In Windows one uses Windows Installer to install packages.. For historical reasons, installation is not an easy thing in Windows. I was wondering what is the OS X story? Just curious. ...

Trouble with codeblocks installation on Ubuntu 9.10

I installed Code::Blocks on Ubuntu 9.10, but when I start it from terminal, it shows the following error: relocation error: /usr/lib/ symbol _Z18wxSafeConvertWX2MBPKw, version WXU_2.8.2 not defined in file with link time reference What is wrong with it? It seems to me I have installed all necessary...

How to modify folder permissions in a web setup project?

I am using a web setup project to install my ASP.NET app which needs to write to a folder that exists under the main virtual directory folder. How do I configure the setup project to grant the ASPNET user permissions to that folder? ...

ActiveX not working properly with default security settings

I have written an ActiveX control in C# and have made it working using regasm command, and it works fine as long as the security level is set to low.. Then as a next step I have made a .cab installer (ICD - Internet component downloader), and have signed my .cab file and ActiveX .dll file with a test certificate. when I hit the html pag...

How to embedded msi into a setup.exe and execute it silently?

Here's the requirement: 1. One single installation file. (aka. setup.exe) All the other files include the required dlls and msi itself must embedded in this setup.exe. 2. Frameless UI, which the pure msi doesn't support. Firstly, we are using pure msi to provide the installation GUI, but then we found it's not support the frameless GUI....

How Do I Run Multiple Versions of MATLAB?

I want to run multiple versions of MATLAB (with standalone licenses) on a Windows XP home computer. One is MATLAB R2007b and the other is MATLAB R2009a. I found some docs online (link and link), but nothing related to the latest versions. Has anyone tried this? ...

How to interactive a silently installing msi? (Progress data and cancel it)

For some reason, we are delivering a product with our own install GUI, that means, we will run the msi installation silently background. By using the MSI API "MsiInstallProduct", I can install the product silently, but I have no idea how can I get the progress data of this installation and how can I cancel it. Anyone has some ideas? ...

MSMQ installation error on 2008 Server

This Windows 2008 SP2 The Error: Message Queuing: Installation failed Error: Attempt to install Message Queuing Server failed with error code 0x80070643. Fatal error during installation The following features were not installed: Message Queuing Services Message Queuing Server Found a msdn blog with the following reso...

sql server 2005 developer edition

I installed sql server 2005 developer edition on my pc. I am not able to see server in management studio. I installed default instace as an installation option. ...

.NET - Create desktop shortcut on installation?

Is the option to create a desktop shortcut during installation only available if the application targets the .NET Framework 3.5? On one of my projects, the option is grayed out and is targeting the .NET Framework 2.0. In case your wondering, I am using Visual Studio 2008 Express Edition. ...

Installing .NET Framework

I'm currently updating our software installer and have a few questions about getting the .NET framework installed. What are the installer(s) (.exe or .msi) required to install .NET 2.0 SP2? What are the installer(s) (.exe or .msi) required to install .NET 3.5 SP1? Microsoft's download pages are slightly ambiguous. I belive I need .Mi...

Is there any way to find out which Linux Distribution is used?

I would like to show the user some help on specific operations in my program of the form: Please type "apt-get install foobar" to install the foobar feature. Is there anything to do this or do i have to leave it to the user and offer a dozend choices from Red Hat, Suse, Debian/Ubuntu, Mandriva, Slackware, Gentoo .... ...

J2Me installation via OTA

I'm trying to install my application midlet via OTA. I used apache tomcat 6 as the ota server, and create a small project in the webapps folder which contains application.jad, application.jar and welcome.html which has a link point to the .jad file. I tested the installation using sun emulator it installs just fine. But when I tried to...

SQL Server User Instances

Hi all, i have been having this problem and wondering if u guys could steer me in the right direction. i have created a web app, and i have the .mdf files in the App_Data folder. i have create a web setup project for this. everything installs 100%. But because the server( or machine ) that i install the project on doesnt have user instan...

Firefox 2 and Firefox 3 on Mac OS X

Hi, I need both Firefox 2 and Firefox 3 on my Mac OS X for testing purposes. Is it possible? ...

tutorial on generating MSI

Exact duplicate: What is the best choice for building Windows installers Exact duplicate: Best Windows installation file creator I have a customer who is new to generating VB.NET programs that run Watcom FORTRAN programs. (Yes FORTRAN is alive in Numerical Control Programming) He is attempting to install the program on another computer...

Is it a good idea to run unit tests of a library as part of the MSI that installs it?

I have a system that has many components interacting with each other. It occured to me to run tests as part of the installation process to make sure it works correctly in the client machine. Does this sound like a reasonable idea? Have you seen it done? What framework would you use to run the tests? ...

How do I install deps for CPAN module without installing it?

This is a follow-up to my previous question about developing Perl applications. Let’s say I develop an application as a CPAN module using Module::Install. Now I upload the code to the production server, say using a git push, and I would like to install the application dependencies listed in Makefile.PL. If I simply run cpan ., the thing ...