
jQuery UI tab with IE7 issue

Hi I am new to jQuery. I use <script src="test/lib/jquery-1.4.2.min.js" type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"></script> <script src="test/lib/jquery-ui-1.8.custom.min.js" type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"></script> <link rel="stylesheet" href="ui_tabs/css/jquery-ui-1.7.2.custom.css" type="text/css" media="screen" charset="utf-8...

IE7 z-index issue

Ive read a handful of articles about z-index issues in IE7. Tried applying a handful of them but nothing seems to work. Check it Firefox looks great and works great. IE7 the image of the Teacher (scroll a little bit) is not clickable. Im floating a over the graphic because i dont feel like cuttin up all the im...

IE stop script warning

Only in IE I get a warning when loading my site containing javascript saying that its causing the page to run slowly (and asking if I want to stop it). I've seen other posts about this and I've looked for any long running code or infinite loops etc. The weird thing is, when I select 'No' (to not terminate the script) the page immediate...

Absolutely positioned text getting cut off in IE7 On the right side of the page, I have some text getting cut off in IE7. It is the HTML text numbers on top of the green tags. If you view with IE7 (or IE8 in developer mode for IE7) you'll see them getting cut off just below where they should start. I have a feeling it may have something to do with the padding on...

How can I prevent a form reset from clearing my <input type="text"> element?

If I put a form control on the page with a value already set, triggering the containing form's reset functionality will return the value to the original value at the time when the page was loaded. However, if I create a form control using javascript, and append it to the DOM, the form control will be erased and made blank when the form ...

Multi-line buttons in HTML

If the width of a button element isn't wide enough to contain the button text Firefox and Chrome give the button more height, IE (v7 at least) will just cut off. How can I make IE expand the height to contain the text? Ideally just using CSS. I've tried explicitly giving IE7 a height that makes the button bigger but it still just displ...

Mass CSS adaptation to IE 7

I've got 5k lines of CSS for Firefox, Opera and sometimes IE 8. After all that, account told me, that it has to work properly under IE 7. How can I do it, without rewriting 40% of code? ...

Why won't this element set to `height: 100%` work in this example in IE7?

I set up this fiddle to show how all browsers render the red pieces. Strangely, IE7 renders that fine (on its own). However, I have a shadow effect on a new site (that works the same as the red strips) that works on Firefox, Safari & IE8. I swear I have used this same method countless times before and it has worked in IE7. Here is ho...

Using Prototype .update not working right in IE7

Im trying to update an image after the user clicks it, but IE7 seems to load the image in the Dom right, but doesnt display the image. Firefox has no issue, and IE7 doesnt display an error and using IE Developer Toolbar tells me that the image is properly replaced, but IE7 Doesnt actually display the image, its like the image is there, j...

Nested ajax calls not working in IE7

Hi all, I have nested ajax calls that are not working in ie7. They work fine in Firefox. The service file in the second $.post is not being entered at all. In other words, if the first line of my service file is print 'hello'; I never see it...even if I add a console.log in the $.post for the response. I have seen this issue in other pla...

Making a <dl> clear before ever <dd> in IE 7?

I'm trying make a <dl> to define the icons I am using on the page. I want it so that every icon is inside a <dt> and it's definition is inside the following <dl>. After every icon definition, I want a line break. Simple, right? Well, IE7 says no! Here is my HTML: <dl style="display: block;" id="surveysIcons" class="icons"> ...

What is different between IE7 refresh button and press on URL bar enter?

Facebook sdk script does not load when I press on IE7 refresh button, but it's loads when I press enter. How diferent it's works? P.S. it works nice on Mozilla. ...

CSS submenu ie7 problem

Hello. I have problem with a css menu. It is correct on firefox,chrome,opera,safari and ie8. But not on ie7. You can find the menu here. You can see that every li in the submenu is not shown correctly, it breaks below it. How can I fix it? (I hate ie...). Thanks in advanced. ...

Why is ie7 always in Quirks mode?

Here is the DOCTYPE and XML declaration that I am using: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?> <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" ""&gt; But still IE7 is always going to quirks mode... Does anyone have any idea as to why? Thanks in advance! ...

How to solve IE7 issues

A site works fine with Chrome, FireFox, IE8 but does not work with IE7 (I do not care about IE6). Many people appear to still use IE7 so would like to get it to work. As a new user to this site I can not upload a picture, so I will describe the issue as best as I can. Within IE7, the search fields in the header are pushed down below t...

CSS z-index broken in IE7

I'm aware of the z-index problem in IE7, but I have a strange situation here, and none of the fixes suggested online seem to work. I've got a list of items, each one has a pop-up bubble div inside the "li" tag, like so: <div class="inner"> <ul> <li onmouseover="bubbleOn(5661)" onmouseout="bubbleOff(5661)" id="c5661"> <img s...

Why is IE 7 allowing all my content to break past my DIV? (however it works in Chrome, Safari, etc)

If you use IE 7 and click on this site: Then, navigate to: TLS Admin --\My Companies ------\Contoso ----------\Shared Contacts You'll see how the list of contacts is all messed up and I can't scroll down. Anyone know why? And if you're curious, it's my job to take this site as-is...

JavaScript expanding div doesn't work in IE

I have a script that lets you put a link at the bottom of some text so you can reveal more text. It works great in Firefox. When you click the link, the div appears and the other parent divs expand with the growing child div. But the parent divs don't expand in IE. The text actually disappears behind the row (this is in a table create...

Javascript error in IE7 only (jQuery / Cycle.js

I'm using jQuery and cycle.js to fade through some images on this site. On the first and last slides, I've put a callback function to go to the next/prev pages, however in IE7 I'm receiving a runtime javascript error (not in any other browsers). Here's the link to my javascript file: The error I'm receiving in IE...

Why does this simple floated definition list not work in IE7, and how do I fix it?

This is a very simple dl. HTML <dl id="photo-attributes"> <dt>Edition</dt> <dd>200</dd> <dt>Ratio</dt> <dd>3:1</dd> <dt>Location</dt> <dd>Great ocean road, Victoria</dd> <dt>FStop</dt> <dd>F-32</dd> <dt>Exposure</dt> <dd>3 minutes 40 seconds</dd> </dl> CSS #photo-attributes { margin: 1em 0; overflow: hidden; } #photo-attributes...