
WSE3 - WCF Interop

Hi guys, I need to provide a WCF Service capable of suply data to old .Net clients (WSE) vía SSL and using signed messages for non repudiation porpuoses. Can any one give me a hint about configurations and architectures on both sides? For the service: bindings? Security modes? For the client: Policies? Tokens? thanks! ...

Opening a MS Word document in a windows service seems to hang

Hi I have a windows service written in c# which reads the text from word documents (doc and docx) using VBA interop. However on certain documents it seems to hang on the call to the Open method. It seems that the problem documents all have macros in them. The locally installed version of word has macros disabled and the code I use to op...

Unable to access methods of com interop dll from .net

I have an com dll which i an reffering from .Net, I have registsred that dll using regsvr32 and referred to my project. Unfortunatley I am not able to view any methods and properties in a particular Class of that dll, The class is defined as public but When i try to check methods and properties they are not visible. But the same dll ...

Can I turn a Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Chart object into a Microsoft.Office.Tools.Excel.Chart object?

Basically I've coded an Excel 2007 project in VB.NET 2010 that allows you to create charts with a fair amount of interactivity. I want the user to be able to save and reopen this workbook and still have that interactivity in any already-created charts, so they don't have to re-create them. When I create the charts, I use Sheet1.Controls...

How to make a .NET COM wrapper generic

I think this is a factory / provider type story but I'm not sure how to describe my problem. It goes like this. InstallShield has a COM Automation Interface that they change the name of it with each release. If it was VBScript I'd say set project = CreateObject("ISWiAuto15.ISWiProject) ' InstallShield 2009 set project = CreateObject(...

How do I target a broad version of the Microsoft Office interop assemblies?

My dev machine has 2007 installed and the project references the corresponding version of PIAs but I would like my application to be able to run with 2003 at least when deployed. I tried setting the Specific Version property of the reference to false but this didn't work. My Visual Studio version is 2005, BTW. ...

Reading superscript or subscript value from Excel using Office Interop Assemblies

Hello All, I am reading excel file using Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel. It works fine in all the case but in some case like superscript or subscript, its not working! CM2 - Here 2 is superscript, but i am getting CM2 not cm2 [cm-square] Any help in that direction will be appreciated. Imran ...

Use a .OCX Control in Java

IS there a way to use a ocx control ( VB6) from Java? ...

P/Invoke Interop Assistant Llike Tool for Python ctypes or struct Modules

The P/Invoke Interop Assistant tool has been very helpful when I've had to marshal from c style structs into managed C# types. Are there any similar tools for the Python ctypes or struct modules? ...

Excel COMException 0x800A03EC when user cancels file overwrite

I have code that saves an excel file to a specific location and filename that cannot be changed by the user. It works fine when the file doesn't exist and saves silently. If the file does already exist and the user selects to overwrite it then it works fine as well. The problem occurs when it already exists and the user cancels the sa...

Passing NON null-terminated strings to unmanaged code

Consider the following struct to be sent over TCP to an unmanaged dll [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi, Pack = 1)] public struct FooMessage { [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = 42)] public string foo; //More fields... } Using the following function (credit to Cheeso): public byte[]...

Calling a Python module from Perl

Hello: I created a module in Python which provides about a dozen functionalities. While it will be mostly used from within Python, there is a good fraction of legacy users which will be calling it from Perl. What is the best way to make a plug in to this module? My thoughts are: Provide the functionalities as command line utilities a...

C# console app that does Excel Interop - failing when running as scheduled Task -System.UnauthorizedAccessException

As the title states, I have a C# console app which uses interop to open Excel and create a new workbook. The code works fine when running the console app via command line. However this exception is thrown when running the console app via a scheduled task: System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Retrieving the COM class factory for component...

C# interop : handling pointer-array in unmanaged struct

I'm wrapping a few calls to the unmanaged Aubio library dll (, and I'm wondering what a good way is to deal with the Aubio samplebuffer. It's defined like this : // Buffer for real values struct _fvec_t { uint length; // length of buffer uint channels; // number of channels float **data; // data array of size [len...

Defining Ranges for Excel in VB.NET

I am using Excel interop in my VB.NET program. My problem is that I can't seem to figure out how to write to Excel and define the Range using numbers. Alright, so I have objects being created depending on the file that the user opens. So there could be 100 objects or there could be none. Now each object has an array of values, and these...

How to Import a C/C++ dll to .NET application

Hi, In my new project I want to use a existing C C++ functions . For that I would need to add the C/C++ dlls to C# project. My C/C++ projects is of type UnManaged and it is not a COM Project. I have seen few articles after from MSDN and tried: [DllImport("user32.dll", EntryPoint="MessageBoxA")] But I am not sure Where should I place...

How could HRESULT appear in an MIDL file?

Hi guys! I am developing some COM interfaces with IDL files. Some interface methods return HRESULT, but I have checked the MIDL language reference on MSDN, there's not a clue of HRESULT. So where could I find the official definition of this data type? Update Thanks to Shog9, I found it in wtypes.idl. I paste it here for other's view: ...

Configure PowerPoint using interop API

Hello. I am using powerpoint interop API to open a slideshow from a new instance of PowerPoint (in this case, PowerPoint 2007). In my app, I need to avoid the mouse changing the slide or showing up the right-click menu, so I manually configured that in PowerPoint. What I did: 1.- For left click I went to "Animations">"Advance slide" ...

Interop (vb6 dll used in .NET 4.0) from assembly hangs

Hi all, we have an old vb6 DLL that we wish to use in c# .NET 4.0. The dll should reside in a separate thread, so that we can invoke methods from anywhere (initialization is very slow). The thread is STA, declared in a given assembly, referenced by other assemblies (loaded as modules using PRISM framework) When the thread tries to crea...

Non-Latin characters in username for FTP

I tried to find the list of characters allowed in username for FTP but the RFC is not very specific. What ftp servers and clients support user names in Unicode? Special characters? Is there a generally accepted spec that explains the list of characters allowed in FTP usernames? (googling was of no help to me) ...