
Is C# Interpreted or Compiled?

I thought that C# generated compiled code (by JIT) But I have lately discovered that I can edit code while debugging mode in C# (VS 2008) Does that means that C# is interpreted? or there is a trick? ...

What does it mean for a language to be ‘interpreted’?

Hi! A newbie question. Do languages like e.g. Ruby (if running MRI, I mean not compiled to byte-code) run actually parsed everytime when an execution of, e.g., method or loop body is needed? I mean, to execute a loop, you need to parse its body N times? I just always thought that all these programs are being parsed one time at the boot...

Do compiled PHP scripts exist?

Hi, I am wondering if anyone has used or read about PHP scripts compiled as a .so extension for Apache... Thing is I think I remember reading about it somewhere but dont know if such a thing exists. This looks promising, but incomplete and abandoned: Im interested because i think it could improve performance... ...

Run-time compilation: How is it possible that this isn't a performance hit?

I've heard that some types of runtime compilation aren't a performance hit. The official Python documentation asserts that running a .pyc file is no faster than .py. (I can't find the link right now.) How is this possible? Doesn't it take time to generate bytecode from the .py? What about languages like PHP? Isn't it necessary to compil...

Interpretted Scripts: Implicit vs Explicit Execution

In this superuser question I was advised that it is better to execute scripts written in an interpretted language (php, python, etc) by explicitly executing the interpretter and providing the script as an argument, like: > php script.php rather than adding a line to the script to tell the OS to execute it, like: #!/usr/bin/php <?php...

How can be interpreted code even little efficient? (theoretical)

Hi, OK, first, I dont want any kind of flamewar here or anything like it. My bigger question is more theoretical, and will include few examples. So, as I wrote, I cannot understand how can interpreted language be even little efficient. And since its modern, I will take Java as example. Lets go back to days where there was no JIT compil...

Steps carried out in case of INTERPRETER and COMPILER

hi, What exactly the difference between interpreted and compiled language.For example I want print the numbers from 1 to 100 .How exactly the sequence of operations takes place in case of interpreter and compiler. Further,If possible please provide me the steps in according to Java language and C language Thx ...

Recursion overhead -- how serious is it?

Possible Duplicate: Is recursion ever faster than looping? I was first trained to program seriously in C, about 15 years ago. My employer wanted highly optimized code for computationally difficult tasks. I remember being advised more than once to rewrite recursions as loops, even at the expensive of readability, in order to ...