
boost interprocess

hi, I am using boost interprocess library for my application. I have a requirement such that i need to create an array of container handles in the starting bytes of shared memory. The array index is the object_type and the array slot will hold the container handle for the corresponding object type. On reading the boost interprocess ref...

How to awake and enable clients of .NET Remoting server for fetch data asynchronously?

Hello, I need to perform inter process communication using .NET Remoting. For this I would share some data in form of Data(Objects) & Methods . Is there any way out by which my .NET Remoting client can detect that there's some data that is being shared or not, if its just go on and collect that data.Each time server server shares the d...

Talking to unmanaged process from .NET

Hi, I'm creating a process from .NET using Process.Start. The new process is a legacy app, written in C/C++. To communicate with it, I need to do the equivalent of PostThreadMessage to its primary thread. I'd be happy to use P/Invoke to call PostThreadMessage, but I can't see how to find the primary thread. The Process object has a col...

Best way to pass data between two servers in C?

I wrote a program that creates a TCP and UDP socket in C and starts both servers up. The goal of the application is to monitor requests over the TCP socket as to what UDP packets to send it (i.e. monitor for something like "0x01 0x02" and if I see it, then have the UDP server parse the payload, and forward it over to the TCP server for p...