
ExecutionException and InterruptedException while using Future class's get() method

ExecutorService executor = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor(); try { Task t = new Task(response,inputToPass,pTypes,unit.getInstance(),methodName,unit.getUnitKey()); Future<SCCallOutResponse> fut = executor.submit(t); response = fut.get(unit.getTimeOut(),TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); ...

Any techniques to interrupt, kill, or otherwise unwind (releasing synchronization locks) a single deadlocked Java thread allowing other threads to continue?

I have a long-running process where, due to a bug, a trivial/expendable thread is deadlocked with a thread which I would like to continue, so that it can perform some final reporting that would be hard to reproduce in another way. Of course, fixing the bug for future runs is the proper ultimate resolution. Of course, any such forced in...

Need a Java based interruptible timer thread

I have a Main Program which is running a script on the target device(smart phone) and in a while loop waiting for stdout messages. However in this particular case, some of the heartbeat messages on the stdout could be spaced almost 45secs to a 1minute apart. something like: stream = device.runProgram(RESTORE_LOGS, new String[] {}); str...