Type checking on Caché Objects
What is the point of type definition on method parameters on Caché Object (from Intersystems) since after it's pre-compiled to the .int format, it removes any typing information, thus making no difference at all? ...
What is the point of type definition on method parameters on Caché Object (from Intersystems) since after it's pre-compiled to the .int format, it removes any typing information, thus making no difference at all? ...
I am starting a project from scratch using Intersystems Cache. I would like to setup a Continuous Integration Server for the project. Cache has unit test libraries, so the idea is to import source into a test database, build the source, run unit tests in the cache terminal, based on changes in the version control system (ClearCase). Ap...
Hi friends, I want to retrive the SMTP response after sending the mail. I need to fetch the response for the send mail (whether its send properly or not) The response must be like this Return-path: [email protected] Envelope-to: [email protected] Delivery-date: Fri, 12 Dec 2008 23:54:57 -0500 Received: from pool-98-109-89-94.nwrkn...
Hi to all, I installed cache in macos x. But i cant able to open a studio there and i cant able to see cache cube there.How do i will open it and create clasess,routines,...etc in cache in mac osx. ...
Hi i am developing a website in that i would like to use intersystems CACHE for database , i use DSN to connect with CACHE , but it shows the error as follows Warning: odbc_connect() [function.odbc-connect]: SQL error: [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified, SQL state IM002 in SQLCon...