
What assemblies do I need to start using Castle Windsor in my application?

I've got a pretty basic question about how to start using Castle Windsor. I've read up on IOC/DI and would like to try Castle Windsor in an existing solution. I typically like to put any external assemblies in a Lib folder within the solution's folder tree so that the references are relative (I believe this is best practice). Which ...

Inversion of Control in Compilers

Has anyone out there actually used inversion of control containers within compiler implementations yet? I know that by design, compilers need to be very fast, but I've always been curious about how IoC/DI could affect the construction of a programming language--hot-swappable syntaxes, anyone? ...

Castle windsor IoC and generics

Hey guys, I am having trouble with Castle windsors IoC container when trying to retrieve a generic type. I have added a component using generic notation without a type argumet i.e: <IoC> <components> <component id="NHibernateRepository" service="MobilePrototype.Domain.Interfaces.IRepository`1, MobilePrototype.Domain" type="M...

is SFig language syntax efficient and clear (and better than Spring-Framework's XML DSL)?

ADDENDUM EDIT: Have not accepted an answer to this as there has not been any feedback from experienced Spring Framework developers. I've been working on a replacement DSL to use for Spring-Framework applicationContext.xml files (where bean initialization and dependency relationships are described for loading up into the Sprin...

Which patterns for loose coupling do you use most?

Lately I have seen a lot of blog posts concerning how to build loosely coupled applications. Which patterns do you use most when creating loosely coupled applications? Dependency Injection? Inversion of Control? ...

Code your own IOC Container

Has anyone out there written their own IOC Container in C#? Or do the vast majority of folks use the various frameworks such as Spring. What are the pro's and con's of each? ...

DI/IoC, NHibernate and help in getting them to work together.

I'm trying to get my head around DI/IoC, NHibernate and getting them to work nicely together for an application that i'm developing. I'm quite new to both NHibernate and DI/IoC so not quite sure whether what i'm doing is the sensible way to be going about it. This is the scenario: The application provides users with the ability to calc...

Castle Windsor Are There Any Downsides?

I have been looking into the castle project and specifically windsor. I have been so impressed with what is possible with this technology and the benefits of having a such a loosely coupled system are definitely apparent. The only thing i am unsure of is if using this method has any downsides, specifically in for example perfor...

Can anyone explain how the Strategy Pattern relates to Inversion of Control?

Can anyone explain exactly how the Strategy Pattern relates to Inversion of Control? ...

WCF service instantiation via IoC container

Can the WCF runtime be made to instantiate a service via an IoC container rather than via its usual process? (Also, given a potential clash between the container's lifestyle configuration for the type and the service's InstanceContextBehavior, would this approach be a terrible idea?) I'm aware that I might be asking the wrong question a...

When is the IOC container ready?

When is the IOC container in the life cycle of an ASP.NET application? When can I start requesting objects from the container? ...

Inversion of control container

What is the most important features a IOC container should contain? You can easily create containers in 15 lines of code, but what should it include to be "useful" in a project? ...

Enterprise Library Unity vs Other IoC Containers

Hi, What's pros and cons of using Enterprise Library Unity between other IoC (Windsor ..) ...

Windows Workflow Foundation or IoC container + Dependency Injection?

I am trying to figure out the internals of the windows workflow foundation. So, we have some software components and we intertwine them in the form of a workflow be it a condition based sequential workflow or a state machine workflow. Now, I am thinking (I may be wrong here) that doesnt the same apply to IoC + Dependency Injection (via U...

How To Get Automatic Registration With Castle Windsor

I recently read Ayende's blog post on automatic registration working with XML Configuration. I would like to do exactly what he does, but his code snippet doesn't work for me. The Register method doesn't exist on my container object. Here's his code: var container = new WindsorContainer(new XmlInterpreter()); container.Register( Al...

Choosing a .Net Inversion of Control container for first attempt at Dependency Injection

Which IoC container is the easiest to get started with. This probably equates to which ones have the friendliest documentation. Not too worried about number of features. ...

Castle Windsor - Nested runtime dependencies

I am using Castle Windosr container. I want to be able to specify some constructor dependencies at runtime which you can obviously do by using a Resolve overload that takes a dictionary, all good and fine. However if I want to specify runtime dependency for a dependency of the root then I'm lost, at the moment I've worked around by expli...

Export a Unity container information to xml configuration

In Microsoft Unity you can configure a container from an existing XML configuration but is there a way to do the opposite? From an initialized container export the corresponding XML configuration? ...

What IOC containers work with Windows Azure

I am getting to grips with Windows Azure. I usually use NInject as my IoC container in web apps. However, when trying to use it within an Azure web role I get a security exception (something to do with reflection permission). Has anyone used other IoC with Azure and had succcess? ...

Is it possible to dynamically inject the attribute using IoC like Ninject or other IoC?

I am extending my Object Property Value Diff but I realized if an object has too many properties I may not want to diff them all. So I came up with the public class IgnorePropertyDiffAttribute : System.Attribute { } so that I can mark the properties I want the diff to ignore. However I don’t want to pollute my domain object with [Ign...