
Will there be IQueryable-like additions to IObservable? (.NET Rx)

The new IObservable/IObserver frameworks in the System.Reactive library coming in .NET 4.0 are very exciting (see this and this link). It may be too early to speculate, but will there also be a (for lack of a better term) IQueryable-like framework built for these new interfaces as well? One particular use case would be to assist in pre...

Exposing ConcurrentQueue<T> as IObservable<T> ?

I wondered if it's possible to use a queue (specifically as ConcurrentQueue) as the source of an IObservable? Something like; Queue = new ConcurrentQueue<IMessage>(); var xs = Queue.AsEnumerable().ToObservable(); xs.Subscribe((IMessage msg) => { Console.WriteLine("Msg :" + msg.subject); }); I guess it doesn't ...

How can I take advantage of IObservable/IObserver to get rid of my "god object"?

In a system I'm currently working on, I have many components which are defined as interfaces and base classes. Each part of the system has some specific points where they interact with other parts of the system. For example, the data readying component readies some data which eventually needs to go to the data processing portion, the...

IObservable vs Plain Events or Why Should I use IObservable ?

hi all, Well, MS introduced the IObservable interface as part of the .net FW 4 and i thought "great finally, i must use it !". So i dug deep and read posts and documentation and even implemented the pattern. After doing so i've realized that the basic implementation actually sends all the Observable events to all of its subscribers wi...

.NET 3.5 stand-in for System.IObserver<T>

I want to use the .NET 4.0 interface IObserver for a library that needs to support previous versions of the framework as well. I already have conditional compilation which lets me build for each of the framework versions. I don't want to use the Rx Extensions' version of IObserver<T> as that would add an unnecessary dependency to an oth...