
Find IonCube PHP files

The pSek server hosting company installed 54 PHP extensions for no reason, and while going through the list of unneeded extensions I noticed IonCube, which I want to get rid of quickly. What's a good way to find out if we have any PHP files encrypted with it? ...

Matplotlib, Pylab using TKAgg: encountering PyEval_RestoreThread: NULL tstate when using plt.ion() on win32

EDIT: Bah, finally found a discussion on the Runtime Error, although it focuses on using PythonWin, which I did not have installed at the time. After installing PythonWin and setting up GTK (as per an earlier question), I was still encountering the error. The solution from the discussion board here was to append plt.close() after the ...

ION Auth Default URL and Controller

I am using the ION Auth library for Codeigniter. For security purposes, should I change the default URL/Controller from "/auth" to something that's unknown and more difficult to guess? ...