
Proper syntax in RoR for time in datetime comparison

I am trying to attribute the time param with .to_date to generate the proper comparison Organization.find(1140).events.all(:conditions => ["time < ?",]).blank? How would I do that? I tried this : Organization.find(1140).events.all(:conditions => [time.to_date < ?,]).blank? And tha...

Reload rubygem in IRB

Is there a way to "reload" or "refresh" a rubygem in memory? As i'm playing in irb, occasionally I like to modify my gem files, and if i require the same gem, it does not update into memory and gives the output "false". Currently I have to exit IRB, get back into IRB and then require the gem again, there has to be a better way...what is ...

Ruby - return an array in random order

What is the easiest way to return an array in random order in Ruby? Anything that is nice and short that can be used in an IRB session like [1,2,3,4,5].random() # or random_sort([1,2,3,4,5]) ...

A one-time generated CSV file in RoR

Is it possible to create a CSV file right out of the command line in IRB or elsewhere with a one-time use on it. Say, I just need a CSV file with all my user's first name on it. Can I create that without setting up any architecture? ...

How come this works and doesn't work in IRB?

I have Users . Users have_many :organizations If I do: User.find(:all).select {|u| } it returns with: NoMethodError: You have a nil object when you didn't expect it! The error occurred while evaluating from (irb):33 from (irb):33:in `select' from (irb):33 Long story short: I am trying to find t...

Can't turn array into a string error

I have a simple call JSON.parse(Panda.get("/videos/#{self.panda_video_id}/encodings.json")) Which returns : can't convert Array into String This is because the Panda.get("/videos/#(self.panda_video_id}/encodings.json") call returns an array in the new Panda 1.0.0 gem. I also tried : JSON.parse(Panda.get("/videos/#{self.panda_vi...

Interactive Javascript gem?

I've found some online interactive Javascript editors, but I wonder if there is a local equivalent as a gem that lets me test Javascript just like IRB and Rails console in Mac? ...

Run the last X commands from IRB's command history?

I'm developing a ruby app with Vim in one screen, and in another I'm using irb to test the code I'm writing in Vim. For the sake of this example, we'll say there are only 2 irb commands to test the code that I've written, a load and a method call. Generally, it's more than 2 commands - if its just 2 I would tap the up arrow twice and hit...

Upgrading irb on OS X

Hello, I'm trying to update irb on my OS X 10.5 macbook: $ irb -v irb 0.9.6(09/06/30) I'm currently learning Ruby and was following the "Why's Poignant Guide to Ruby" and on this page: they mention auto-completion in irb requires version 1.8 of irb. I'm not sure ent...

How does one embed IIRB inside of a IronRuby program?

In Ruby main, you can embed IRB inside of a Ruby script as described here. Is there a way to do something similar with IIRB inside an IronRuby script? ...

Table format in Hirb for .where Rails 3 queries

I am using to format AR queries in console with pretty, MySQL like table views. The problem is, that by default Rails 3 .where queries, reaturned as ActiveRecord::Relation arent displayed in a table format. With imported table method everything is formatted properly. How to set default display to table in Hirb ...

What is the difference between where 'require' looks and where 'Gem.available?' looks for gems?

I'm a bit confused about how paths work with gems. Here's the core of my confusion: >> require 'rubygems' => false >> Gem.available?('money') => true >> require 'money' LoadError: no such file to load -- money from (irb):3:in `require' from (irb):3 from /usr/bin/irb:12:in `<main>' >> Gem.available?('pony') => fa...

Rails irb default directory

I'm trying to include a source code file when I run irb but irb is unable to find it. For example, say I am in the following directory in terminal: /dan/rubyapp/ Assume I have a file named "firstapp.rb" in /dan/rubyapp/ I startup irb and from the irb prompt I type > require "firstapp.rb" but the file can't be found. If I type "Di...

rvm, irb and require - not working for installed gems under irb

Hi, I have just installed rvm today and it looks really handy/powerful. I think I am getting the hang of it, but... When using an rvm installed ruby, and running irb, when I require an installed gem, something, like 'rvm', I get: > kimptoc$ rvm use 1.8.7 Using /Users/kimptoc/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.8.7-p302 > kimptoc$ gem list *** LOCAL ...

accessing variables in loaded source while in irb

Say I have a file named test1.rb with the following code: my_array = [1, 2, 3, 4 5] Then I run irb and get an irb prompt and run "require 'test1'. At this point I am expecting to be able to access my_array. But if I try to do something like... puts my_array irb tells me "my_array" is undefined. Is there a way to access "my_array" ...

rails console - display active record results in a table

Is there a way to display Active Record results in table format in the script/console environment? ...

What alternatives to IRB are there?

In the python world, there are a number of alternative python interpreters that add cool additional features. One particularly useful example is bpython, which adds dynamic syntax highlighting, automatically pulls documentation, and displays live autocomplete information. In the Ruby world, I have yet to uncover any projects which add to...

Neither ruby and nor irb can load .rb file in current directory

I'm having a really noob problem with importing files in Ruby. I'm making a Ruby app in Windows XP. All the class files for the app are in "C:/Documents/Prgm/Surveyor_Ruby/lib". But when I require a file in another file, neither ruby nor irb can find the required file. The current directory's contents: C:\Documents\Prgm\Surveyor_Ruby\l...

How to get result of the previous action

Hi Inside rails console you can get the result of the previous operation with _ Is there any way to do such a thing inside ruby program? ...

Rails3 irb console vs rails console?

Using Rails3 and Ruby 1.9.2, I am new, just learning Ruby/Rails-- When I run irb I end up with irb(main):001:0> which is fine. However when I run rails console I also end up with irb(main):001:0> and I thought, based on the book I'm reading and online tutorials that I should be seeing >>. Is the Rails Console I'm thinking of a gem that...