
Check if SQL Server 2005 XML field is empty

Hello, I just did this: Delete FROM MyTable WHERE ScopeValue = "" Delete FROM G_Scope WHERE ScopeValue is '' Delete FROM G_Scope WHERE ScopeValue = empty Delete FROM G_Scope WHERE ScopeValue is empty I want to delete all rows with xml field (not nullable) where ScopeValue column has empty entries means zero chars. Anyone knows? ...

Javascript: Checking if an object has no properties or if a map/associative-array is empty

Possible Duplicate: How do I test for an empty Javascript object from JSON? Is there an easy way to check if an object has no properties, in Javascript? Or in other words, an easy way to check if a map/associative array is empty? For example, let's say you had the following: var nothingHere = {}; var somethingHere = {foo: "ba...