
Isapi filter not working on IIS 7 (which did work on IIS 6)

Hi I have an Isapi dll which performs some basic URL rewriting. It works fine on II6. However, now my dev machine has been upgraded to Windows 7, I cannot get it to work under IIS 7 Is there anything special that needs to be done to get this to work? The website is running the Classic ASP pipeline app pool (although I have tried both)...

ISAPI Rewrite rule help ( -->

A really easy one, but I need to get this right, and cannot afford mistakes as I need to deploy on a live server as soon as I can. --> --> # I only want /bar to get rewritten to /bar.aspx # everything else stays as is http...

ISAPI Rewrite 3 rule for redirectling http to https for a particular site

I have multiple sites on a single IIS 6 server running ISAPI Rewrite 3 (free addition). I need to redirect just one of the sites to https if the request comes in as http. Example: I need to redirect to . I don't want this redirect to affect or or

ISAPI_Rewrite Rule for version 2

How can I write the following rule in older version of ISAPI_rewrite ? RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^$ [NC] RewriteRule ^(.*)$$1 [R=301,L] I tried to write like RewriteCond Host: (?!^ RewriteRule /(.*) http\://$2 [I,RP] but i did not work. ...

Using ISAPI_Rewrite 3 proxy over ssl

Here is my rule: RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^$ [NC] RewriteRule ^/checkout/(.*)$ https\://$1 [NC,P] What I am trying to do is use the checkout page on sitetwo to process an order related to siteone. Our overall plan is to have one checkout page handle orders from all our other websites and keep th...

Problem with Symfony routing with online project

I have a Symfony project on a Win XP / IIS 7 machine with Isapi rewrite installed. When I go to the frontend (my main) application, it seems that the routing simply doesn't work. I always end up on my default module/action. However, if I turn no_script_name = off (in the app's settings.yml file) then everything works fine. I also have an...

Regular Expression Match Without Final Character

I'm trying to match any requests for a url that do not have a folder character (/) or end with an extension (.aspx). I can ignore querystring values and fragments in the regular expression for now. So far I have the following. ^([\w-/]+)(?!\.aspx|/)$ However, if I run this expression it selected the final / in the group which I don't ...

URL_Rewriting with ISAPI_rewrite

I have a problem in ISAPI_rewrite 3. a have a url like What I want is, when the user writes this address it should be converted to agent's subdomain like Thanks in advance ...

Using ISAPI Rewrite 3 & ASP.Net MVC?

I'm using ISAPI Rewrite3 on IIS6 for two Virtual Directories at the moment that contain Wordpress. I need to setup some rules at the root of the site to redirect old urls to new urls: i.e.* > & >

rewritemap not matching

Hi I'm having trouble with my rewritemap not matching things: RewriteMap map txt:rewritemaps\map.txt [NC] RewriteCond ${map:$1|NOT_FOUND} !NOT_FOUND [NC] RewriteRule ^(.+)$ ${map:$1} [NC, R=301] The map has about 4,500 entries, including: arctic /Destinations/Polar-Regions/The-Arctic.aspx My RewriteLog, set to level 9, logs: i...

With Coldfusion, how do you handle dynamicaly generated URLs?

(Update: I converted this question to a community wiki as the answer appears more subjective than I thought it would. There are multiple answers depending on one's needs.) If I have a folder that only includes application.cfc and index.cfm, what is a fast, reliable method to handle dynamically generated URLs? i.e. URLs that do not have ...

Transfer ISAPI_Rewrite code to Built-In IIS7 Rewrite Engine

Hi. I've transferred my IIS6-based website to IIS7. It uses ISAPI Rewrite. I want to use the built in IIS7 rewrite engine. I have the following code in my httpd.ini file: [ISAPI_Rewrite] RewriteRule /httpd(?:\.ini|\.parse\.errors).* / [F,I,O] RewriteRule ^(.*)$$1 [R,R=301] RewriteRule /([^/.?]+) /sc.asp?p=$1 [...

Changing Urls on ASP.NET form with Master pages

We've had a requirement from a client to move a site that is running on it's own domain to a subfolder of another app. I've acheived this using ISAPI rewrite proxying. However, there is one form that does a post back in the site. The generated url for the action from ASP.NET is "/sign-up.aspx?". This sends the postback to the root of t...

ISAPI Rewrite rule help ( .html -> .aspx )

Hello, Recently I'm working on a refactor project from asp to 3.5. There are lots of .html file uses .inc file for the header and footer in the old site, and needed to be converted to .aspx uses master page. My problem is, for search engine and for bookmark those old pages are all gone Therefore I need to redirect the old .html...

ISAPI Rewrite wont proxy the root folder

I wasn't sure if this is a ServerFault question or StackOverflow, so I am going to ask it here first. When using ISAPI Rewrite (Helion Tech), I cannot seem to proxy the root directory will work if subdir is on the other server, but just plain old '/' will not work. Here is a cop...

URL Rewriting on a ISAPI shared server (using PHP)

I need to rewrite URLs. The problem is that I am developing in PHP on an ISAPI server. An additional problem is that I am not the owner/manager of the server. Is there any way to rewrite URLs for PHP on a shared ISAPI server? ...

ISAPI Rewrite Syntax Help

I have rebuilt a website from php into ASP.NET and need to redirect all the old horrible page URL's to the root of the new site - The old site just used index.php and print.php then LOADS of querystring values - So I have the following rules RewriteRule ^print.php$ [R=301,L] RewriteRule ^index.php$ http://www....

redirecting url without www to www

Hello I need your help. I want to test if the url is entered without www like it should be forwarded to ...

Helicon ISAPI Rewrite + ASP.NET : How to remove . aspx extension?

How do i remove .aspx extension like: --> --> ...

Helicon ISAPI Rewrite + ASP.NET : What is best practice to structure .aspx pages in solution when using URL Rewriting?

I have folder structure in solution like: /Pages /Articles - ArticleListing.aspx - ShowArticle.aspx /Master.master I have my navigation bar in Master page. Navigarion bar has URLs like: Latest Articles(href="article/") Article1(href="article/Article-Title") But when i access inner pages like ArticleListing.aspx o...