
Do you use Jade and what's your opinion of it?

Do you or have you ever used Jade and what are its advantages and disadvantages of it in your opinion? For example: Speed of development? Performance issues with it as an interpreted language and how well multiple app servers helps? Costs of using Jade? Do you think the Jade language's simplicity is a good thing or a lack of features? ...

How can I change from docbook to restructuredText?

I have a 30-ish page manual in docbook. However, working with docbook is so painful that I don't really update it. I want to switch to restructedText instead. I can't find any direct translator (the best I could find is ezComponents, but it fails on the docbook sgml). Maybe there is an indirect route through RTF or some other format, bu...

Is it reasonable to view highly autonomous actors as agents?

Coming from an academic background in mutli-agent systems (developed in Java using JADE) I have only been peripherally aware of the Actor concurrency paradigm. Now that I've started exploring Scala I couldn't help but be struck by the similarities between the Agent and Actor approaches. I'm very tempted to use Scala's Actor library for...

What are Groovy/Grails/Hibernate/JBoss/Jade in very simple terms?

I am new to Java. Its only been six months but I do understand Java. While reading about it sometimes, I come across these terms - Groovy, Grails, Hibernate, JBoss, Jade and many more. I know I can read all about them individually. But can somebody give me a treetop view of what is happening here? What is all this? We have Java and th...

building Agents in c#

Is there anything like JADEX or JADE in C# or C++? I am doing a project on agents and so far I can't find anything like JADEX for building BDI agents in C#. Anything in C# that I have found is for doing Agent simulations rather than building agents. ...

Most suitable database package for use with JADE

Hi, I'm using JADE (Java Agent DEvelopment Framework) and need to set up a database back end. Does anyone have any recommendations for which database system would work well with the framework? ...

Unit testing Jade

Hi, What techniques and design strategies have people used to aid in unit testing Jade applications? In particular, how do people typically go about testing Behaviours - which are tightly coupled to the Agent instance and the Jade environment? I'm aware of the JadeMX project, but this appears to be geared more towards system testing - ...

IP addresses of agents registered with the Main Container in JADE?

I have a website at the back end of which I have a JADE main container running. Multiple machines can register with this main container. So, I want to know if the JADE API supports getting the IP addresses of all the agents currently registered with the Main container? I have to eventually display this information on the website. Thanks...

SWT problem with syncExec()

Hi, this is my first question on stackoverflow (sorry about my english). I'll try to explain the problem as well I can. I have an swt application with a foreground jade application in which I have a progress bar to inform the duration of the application. To refresh this progress bar I use: if(Display.getCurrent() != null) { progres...

How to read text file in JADE

I am stuck in putting the Jave text file read code in JADE GUI. Please assist.I.e. Show using a simple code. I am new to Jade but experienced in Java coding. ...

JADE (Java) - Changing Agent Container

Is there a way to reassign agents to a different container or will I have to create a new container and then create all new instances of the agents within the new container? I have done a lot of searching and can't seem to find anything on container reassignment. Thanks in advance for any info! ...

How do I pass content from a template to a layout in Express?

I have a basic Express server: // server.js: var Express = require('express'); app = Express.createServer(); app.configure(function(){ app.set('views', Path.join(__dirname, 'views')); app.set('view engine', 'jade'); app.set('view options'); }); app.get('/', function (request, response) { response.render('welcome', { locals: ...

How do I evaluate a helper in Jade without outputting its result?

I have a Jade template that needs to call a helper, but not display its output: // views/foo.html.jade: p Some content... #{ someHelperSetterMethod('bar'); } Unfortunately, since someHelperSetterMethod returns nothing, I get "undefined" output in my template. Is there a way to do non-outputting evaluation? ...

What is in the future for JADE?

I'm starting my thesis on Agents and Smart Objects interaction and I'd like to know what's in the future for JADE, the Java Agent framework. I find the whole concept of agents, programmable behaviors, federations and their help in solving Artificial Intelligence problems very interesting but will it always be an academic field, like Hask...

Connecting a remote container on different host to the main container on different host in JADE.

Hi all, Can anyone help me setup container connectivity between different hosts in JADE. I am following the tutorial at http://jade.tilab.com/doc/tutorials/JADEAdmin/JadeContainerTutorial.html Any Help is really appreciated.. Thanks aditya ...