
Difference between Simple Logging Facade for Java and Apache Commons Logging

What is the difference between Simple Logging Facade for Java and Apache Commons Logging ? ...

Coldfusion logging reroute to Log4J

I’m currently using Coldfusion 8.01 in a J2EE environment (jBoss), and looking to clean up what's written to the logs. Currently Coldfusion logs everything to STDOUT instead of using a proper logger like commons or log4j. Has anyone managed to change this? Maybe there are some hidden properties you can set or a log4j.properties hiding so...

Is it worth wrapping a logging framework in an additional layer?

I'm currently looking at upgrading the logging mechanism in a medium-to-large-sized Java codebase. Messages are currently logged using static methods on a Debug class, and I have recommended switching from this to something like SLF4J or commons-logging. The application architect prefers that I encapsulate the dependency on SLF4J (possi...

NullPointerException With Quartz & Spring

I'm using the Spring Quartz integration, and every time I try to shut down Tomcat, the Quartz processes fail to shut down. This is the stack trace: Exception in thread "org.springframework.scheduling.quartz.SchedulerFactoryBean#0_QuartzSchedulerThread" java.lang.NullPointerException at org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory...

log file is not getting created using JDK logging with Commons-logging

When I run the TestJcLLoggingService class log messages are coming to Console but no log file is created, please help me if you know the answer. two source files are pasted below. TestJcLLoggingService.java package com.amadeus.psp.pasd.logging; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; impo...

Java Logging: show the source line number of the caller (not the logging helper method)

The numerous (sigh...) logging frameworks for Java all do a nice job of showing the line number of the source file name for the method that created the log message: log.info("hey"); [INFO] [Foo:413] hey But if have a helper method in between, the actual caller will be the helper method, and that is not too informative. log_info("h...

commons-logging and log4j properties file

I am trying to use log4j via commons-logging and having problems if the log4j properties file is not called log4.properties. I get following error: log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger (LogMePlease). log4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system properly. My code is very simple: import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; impor...

How can I register my own callback with commons logger

I'm setting up an openid site, and using the javaopenidsxip library and it uses commons logger. I already have my own application logger, how do I get it to call my logger instead of writing to stdout? ...

log4j and Commons Logging co-existing

In my application I'm using log4j and some 3rd party jars. One of those 3rd party jars is using Commons Logging. Now whenever I use classes from that 3rd party jar, somehow the log message is handled by two separate appenders. For example: in my log4j.properties I have specified: log4j.logger.myClass=DEBUG, serverFile, defaultSTDOUT,...

Log4j versus JCL

I'm looking for more current recommendations on the JCL. I need to choose between using the JCL or just using straight Log4j. I can see the benefits of JCL, but articles such as http://www.qos.ch/logging/thinkAgain.jsp leave me a little unsettled. However, these articles are a bit old and a search of JCL bug fixes seems to indicate so...

Ask Basic Configurator in Apache Commong Log

I use log4j as logger for my web application. in log4j, I can set the level log in log4j properties or log4j.xml. in log4j, we instance logger as follows: static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(SomeClass.class); I init log4j basic configurator in a servlet file using init method. But, I usually test application using JUnit, So I init...

Create a new log file every time my program is run

Hi, I am using the Apache commons logging library and log4j to generate my log files. Now I want to create a new file every time I run my program. The current count should be appended to the log file's name. For example: program_1.log program_2.log program_3.log Do you know how I could achieve this? ...

Logging with Quartz.net

I will shamelessly state that I have little experience with Log4Net... I only just installed it, but it won't capture log events from Quartz.net, which is a scheduling library. Apparently Quartz.net uses Commons Logging and that needs to be configured to point to my Log4Net settings. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to work. Help is apprec...

Why is commons-logging believed to be unpopular?

Dave Syer (SpringSource) writes in his blog: Unfortunately, the worst thing about commons-logging, and what has made it unpopular with new tools, is also the runtime discovery algorithm. Why? What is the issue with its runtime discovery algorithm? Performance? ...

Websphere Application Debug logging

Hi There, I am trying to get my web application deployed on Websphere 6.1 to display debug level logs. Originally I was using log4j, but have changed all loggers to use commons logging since it seems this is supported by Websphere. I have set the log level under Logging and Tracing > server1 > Change Log Detail Levels to: *=info: com...

Log4j trim common category prefix

I have a project that uses Apache Commons Logging & log4j with a large number of classes doing logging. 95% of my logs show up with the same prefix log4j.appender.MyCompany.layout.ConversionPattern=[%d][%-5p][%c] %m%n [2010-08-05 11:44:18,940][DEBUG][com.mycompany.projectname.config.XMLConfigSource] Loading config from [filepath] [20...

Commons logging output ignores jboss logging config in jboss 6

On both M3 and M4 releases of JBoss 6, all redirected commons-logging outputs seem to ignore logger level configuration in jboss-logging.xml. For example, I get TRACE and DEBUG output from org.apache.commons.httpclient and com.ocpsoft.pretty, even if I set up logger levels in jboss-logging.xml to put those packages to ERROR. jboss-logg...