
How to verify correct operation of Hibernate second level caching in a cluster?

I am wondering how to verify that Hibernate's L2 cache performs correctly. I have an application running on a cluster of JBoss 5 instances with JBoss Cache. Load testing would answer the question of performance. But how to make sure that cluster related issues like the cache invalidation between nodes works like it should be? ...

JBossCache as a second level cache for Hibernate in JBoss 5

Here is my configuration: Hibernate 3.3.1.GA, JBoss 5.1.0.GA, JBoss Cache 3.2.0.GA. I'm doing Hibernate configuration as described here: http://www.jboss.org/community/wiki/ClusteredJPAHibernateSecondLevelCachinginJBossAS5 <hibernate-configuration> <session-factory> <property name="cache.use_second_level_cache">true</pro...

Help With TreeCache (Jboss Cache) configuration for 2 entity manager

Hi guys, I'm in a big trouble at moment. I need to configure a cluster cache for my seam application, but i'm having problem beacuse i have 2 entity managers, one for oracle and other one for mysql. If i remove mysql persistence-unit and entity manager, everything works fine, but when it is active the following error is displayed: org...

Accessing JBoss Cache deployed on a remote JBoss AS (4.2.2)

Hi all, I have deployed the JBoss cahce service to my JBoss AS which is running remotely in a completely separate VM. I am now struggling to access the cache deployed to the AS. Does anybody have any suggestions? Thanks In Advance ...

How to avoid JBoss-Cache region from getting evicted?

I'm trying to create a jboss-cache for data that is only relevant for a short period of time. After that time the data should be discarded and the respective memory freed. The cache is organized like this: /my_region /session_1 /datanode_1 attribute1: value1 /datanode_2 attribute2: value2 ...

Java distributed objects with locality?

I am evaluating various Java object distribution libraries (Terracotta, JCS, JBoss, Hazelcast ...) for an application server and I'm having trouble understanding their behavior on various axes. My requirements for distributed objects are not many -- they boil down to one-to-one and one-to-many messaging. There's more, but for the rest w...

Jboss Cache as distributed state repository

Is using JBoss Cache as distributed state repository a good idea? Can JBoss Cache be applied in situation when you need the guarantee that each time you read something from repository you get the newest version of it? - and irrespective of which node in a cluster we consider? ...

Jboss cache replicates no changes when used from Hibernate

We are using jboss cache as second level hibernate cache. It is configured to evict changed entities asyncronously. But this feature does not work for us. Some debugging revealed the root of the problem. When treecache accessed, it adds itself as transaction listener. This is done by adding Synchronization to active transaction inside o...

What does the "Failure to marshal argument(s)" org.jboss.cache.CacheException mean?

I get the following exception: org.jboss.cache.CacheException: java.lang.RuntimeException: Failure to marshal argument(s) We use distributed JBoss cache for our web application (on Tomcat) I have a strong feeling this is due to bad configuration, but not sure. Edit (Correction): We use version 3.0.0.GA of Jboss cache (core) ...

JBossCacheService: exception occurred in cache put error occurred after changing cache mode to REPL_SYNC

Hi, we have a horizontal cluster set up on JBoss 4.2. The session replication worked fine until we changed cache mode from REPL_ASYNC to REPL_SYNC to fix a issue. We started to see warning for some session failovers: [org.jboss.web.tomcat.service.session.InstantSnapshotManager.ROOT] Failed to replicate session java.lang.RuntimeException...

Configure JBOss cache to run on JBoss server 4.2.3.GA

Our commercial application used to run on different application server and letely we started adjust it to run on JBoss server. The problem is that that application runs JBoss cache and as part of the integration with this framework, the web-inf\lib contains the follwing jars: jboss-aop.jar, jbosscache-core.jar, jboss-common.jar, jboss-c...

Compatibility between JBoss Cache to JBoss Server

Our application runs succesfully on Tomcat, Websphere and Weblogic and as part of it uses Jboss Cache version 3.1.0.G. Now we would like adjust our app to run also in Jboss server environment. Is there any Jboss server version that can co-exist working together with JBoss cache of this version (3.1)? I couldn't find a match in a compat...

jboss cache as hibernate 2nd level - cluster node doesn't persist replicated data

I'm trying to build an architecture basically described in user guide http://www.jboss.org/file-access/default/members/jbosscache/freezone/docs/3.2.1.GA/userguide_en/html/cache_loaders.html#d0e3090 (Replicated caches with each cache having its own store.) but having jboss cache configured as hibernate second level cache. I've read ma...

JBoss Cache Configuration

Hi all! I'm using an extended persistence context (injected Entitymanager at SFSB) and have additionally set @TransactionManagement(value=TransactionManagementType.BEAN) for the SFSB to have full control over the UserTransaction. The Transaction is controlled on client side where I start a lookup for the SFSBs containing a reference to...

Jboss Cache AOP performance fail when List is in huge size

I put a LinkedList into an aspectized Jboss Cache region. I added 10K plain java object in that list but when I remove a object from the list, it spends too much time because of aopclassproxy methods. Any idea on solve? Note that only collection that implements List, Map and Set are aspectized by Jboss Cache API ...

Storing treecache cluster properties in property file

Hi, I'm using Jboss 4, hibenate, spring and treecache. As we have different environments, I would like to store the cluster information in a separated property file and reference to the content from the treecache xml file. I copied the treecache-optimistic.xml into \jboss-4.2.0.GA\server\Pearl\conf and setup the properties in \jboss...