
Reimplement AES encryption using third-party Java library without US law limitations

I've implemented AES encryption with certain task-specific parameters using standard Java tools and BouncyCastle provider for specific AES algorithm. Here is the code: private byte[] aesEncryptedInfo(String info) throws UnsupportedEncodingException, IllegalBlockSizeException, BadPaddingException, InvalidKeyException, NoSuchAlgorithmExc...

Encrypt with PHP and Decrypt with Java

I have to write a program to decrypt a message using JAVA. The message is encrypted using Triple DES / ECB implemented in PHP. I have tried a few different settings on the algorithm, mode, and padding schema. I do not get the correct result. What is missing? Here is the PHP program that encrypt the message: $config_mcrypt_ecb_key = "1...

How do we convert a String from PEM to DER format

Have a String being sent from in the below format: -----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY----- MIGHAoGBANAahj75ZIz9nXqW2H83nGcUao4wNyYZ9Z1kiNTUYQl7ob/RBmDzs5rY mUahXAg0qyS7+a55eU/csShf5ATGzAXv+DDPcz8HrSTcHMEFpuyYooX6PrIZ07Ma XtsJ2J4mhlySI5uOZVRDoaFY53MPQx5gud2quDz759IN/0gnDEEVAgED -----END RSA PUBLIC KEY----- How do i construct a PublicKey Object ...


What should be the Parameter that we need to specify with Cipher if the encryption in RSA is set to RSA_PKCS1_OAEP_PADDING? ...