
Removing a JPanel from a JFrame

I am currently working on an intro screen for a game designed using JOGL. I want the intro to be a JPanel with a few buttons to alter options before starting the game. So, I have JFrame which I add a GLCanvas to. The GLCanvas also contains a GLEventListener. Finally, I add the JPanel. I have overridden the JPanel paintComponent method ...

Smooth lines in OpenGL

I'm trying to a draw a more-or-less smooth multi-segment line in OpenGL. However I find that if the line is over a thickness about 3 then the joins between the segments are not seamless. They sometimes have gaps between them. Is there a good way of making these joins smooth and gapless? I'm looking for something like the equivalent of Ba...

Java Game Programming: JOGL vs LWJGL?

I am currently writing a Turret Defense style game using the GTGE engine, this engine has the ability to use either JOGL or LWJGL to drive the graphics and so I was wondering, which one should I use? What are the pros/cons of each? What factors should I consider when deciding? ...

OpenGL light flickering when I update its position each frame

I am learning OpenGL and just started getting into lighting. I enable lighting and light 0, set its ambient/diffuse/specular to default values in my init method, and then each frame I do something like this: glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); glLoadIdentity(); // do my 3rd-person camera transforms and rotations glLightfv(GL_LIGHT0, GL_POSITION...

JOGL four blank initial frames

In JOGL, there is the addGLEventListener, I add a listener to it. When the display() "callback on gl" is called, the screen is printed in black, just after four frames the display() prints something. How to make display() print something on the first callback display()? ...

JOGL ArcBall not working

Hi! I'm trying to embed an existing implementation of ArcBall in JOGL into my own project. It compiles and runs but I doesn't work! I can't play around with the view. I took the implementation (two classes) from here: And followed the instructions of embeding the thing into my own proj...

OpenGL/JOGL: Can you render two quads with transparency at the same point?

I'm learning about how to use JOGL and OpenGL to render texture-mapped quads. I have a test program and a test quad, and I figured out how to enable GL_BLEND so that I can specify the alpha value of a vertex to make a quad with a sort of gradient... but now I want this to show through to another textured quad at the same position. Drawi...

OpenGL texture combining not (always) working

If you've seen my last few questions you'd know by now that I've been working on terrain stuff with OpenGL. I had a failed attempt at using vertex alphas and multiple render passes to blend one texture into another in a tiled heightmap... So now instead, I've got another plan. My WorldQuad object has 'bottom' and 'top' variables, both o...

draw using mouse drag event in JOGL.

Hi, Well Guess I could need some help here. I'm new to JOGL, and I am trying to draw on the 3d canvas perhaps just anything, but the point is to use mouse drag events. Any idea how am I be able to do that? I try something as below but it did not worked out. And also in the below codes, I do not understand why the display() method is b...

How would one implement an FPS camera?

So I'm currently working on some FPS game programming in OpenGL (JOGL, more specifically) just for fun and I wanted to know what would be the recommended way to create an FPS-like camera? At the moment I basically have a vector for the direction the player is facing, which will be added to the current player position upon pressing the "...

opengl frustum culling without glGet* calls

Various examples of view frustum calculations are using glGetFloatv() to get the current projection and modelview matrices (GL_PROJECTION_MATRIX, GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX), and based of that do some view frustum culling. I have read that glGet* is something you do not want in your main render loop; "Using "Get" or "Is" functions slows ...

Can anyone tell me a good JOGL APPLET webpage or ebook?

I've been looking for a good documentation about JOGL in an applet. I can't find a good one... ...

Problems Building my java app using JOGL in Netbeans

I'm using Netbeans 6.7.1 and I have an application which uses the JOGL libraries. I can run my application just fine, but when I try to build it, I get this error: C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\My Documents\NetBeansProjects\RAGEUI\nbproject\build-jogl-template-impl.xml:12: The following error occurred while executing this li...

How to rotate a picture using jogl ?

Dear Friends,Can anyone tell me how to show one picture in GLCanvas and by using mouse how to rotate a picture in the GLCanvas.I m new to this jogl developement.Can u pls provide me how to do this.If possible provide me some code snippet and some reference site to get a clear idea about jogl developement. regards, s.kumaran. ...

How to convert OpenGL code to JOGL?

I have an application using OpenGL code. Now I want to convert it into JOGL code. Is it possible to convert OpenGL code to JOGL? What are the changes we have to do? ...

How to bind texture image on Wired sphere using jogl?

I can able to create Wired Sphere using GLUT ,Now i want to bind one texture image on the sphere,can any one tell me how to do it.If u can pls provide me some code snippet? regards, s.kumaran. ...

coordinates system problem with jogl

Hi, Currently I am developing an application in Jogl(My first application actually). Frist I have to load model into the canvas from a .obj file.(I manage to do so). Next is I have to use the mouse dragged event to draw stroke on the same canvans and it the stroke must be in front of the teapot.(I use GL.GL_LINE_STRIP)and (glu.gluUnpr...

getting Object properties for an object loaded in a canvas

I have loaded an object from an object file into the scene. I peform some transformation,mapulation on it. How am I able to retrive the new information of the object? Eg:all vertices new location after a rotation operation. Thanks in advance. ...

JOGL Double Buffering

What is eligible way to implement double buffering in JOGL (Java OpenGL)? I am trying to do that by the following code: ... /** Creating canvas. */ GLCapabilities capabilities = new GLCapabilities(); capabilities.setDoubleBuffered(true); GLCanvas canvas = new GLCanvas(capabilities); ... /** Function display(…), which draws a whi...

Vertices selection and state of model after rotation

Hi, I'm currently writing an application that actually acts as a "cut" tool for 3D meshes. Well, I had some problems with it now which I am clueless on how to solve, since it is my first application. I have loaded a model from an object file onto the canvas, then on the same canvas, I use the mouse drag event to draw lines to define t...