
What is 'JNI Global reference'

I am using jProfiler to find memory leaks in a Java swing application. I have identified instances of a JFrame which keeps growing in count. This frame is opened, and then closed. Using jProfiler, and viewing the Paths to GC Root there is only one reference, 'JNI Global reference'. What does this mean? Why is it hanging on to each ins...

How do I make sure my objects get garbage collected?

One of our programs is sometimes getting a OutOfMemory error on one users machine, but of course not when I'm testing it. I just ran it with jprofiler (on a 10 day evaluation license because I've never used it before), and filtering on our code prefix, the biggest chunk both in total size and number of instances is 8000+ instances of a ...

Which Java profiler is better: JProfiler or YourKit?

Which profiler is better for general purpose profiling and heap analysis? 90% of our apps are standalone command line programs with substantial database and numeric processing. The other 10% are webapps/servlet container apps (with very little JSP and NO SCRIPLETS!). Target user would be Sr Software Engineer with 5-10 years of industry e...

Where are these byte[]? (In Java using JProfiler)

I'm profiling a Java program that is leaking memory. Using JProfiler I see I get crazy amount of byte[] data. Is there a way to know more information about it? When is it allocated/created, where is it? ...

Is there a JProfiler equivalent for .NET?

I am used to profiling Java programs using Jprofiler which can give you a CPU Percentage breakdown for each class and method. Is there a similar tool for .NET? ...

How to switch JProfiler launcher in Eclipse integration

The JProfiler plugin of my Eclipse IDE (Eclipse 3.5) is configured to work with JProfiler 6.x which is installed on my machine. I'd like to configure my Eclipse to work with JProfiler 4.x which is also installed on my machine. How can I do it through Eclipse UI? Tried to find this option in Run --> 'Profile Configuration' but couldn't ...

How much memory does jProfiler need to analyze a heap dump of size X?

I have a heap size of X (= 5 giga bytes). How much should I allocate for jprofiler to efficiently analyze this heap? ...

Hibernate sending superfluous queries to the database.

I have an odd problem where Hibernate is running more queries than I've asked for, and can't see the need for. Here is my controller: @Autowired UserService users; @RequestMapping("/test") @ResponseBody public String test() { User user = users.findUser(1L); return "Found user: "+user.getEmail(); } Here is the UserService: @...

Is there a call tree view available for jvisualvm or NetBeans profiler?

JProfiler offers a live call-tree view so you can see what's using CPU in real-time and drill down for the details. Reset the counts to zero at any time, rinse, repeat. I'm currently without that tool, and trying to get by with free/open alternatives. jvisualvm and the NetBeans profiler have a static snapshot call-tree and a live flat v...

Profiling maven web application with JProfiler

Hi! I know I can profile my application with JProfiler using ANT target. Is there a way to do the same with maven?? Actually maven allows to run ant targets, using maven-ant plugin, but I'd like to perform such profiling without ANT. Thanks in advance! ...

JProfiler Assertion failed

I am trying to launch JProfiler 6 in remote mode and get the following error: JProfiler> Protocol version 28 JProfiler> Using JVMTI JProfiler> JVMTI version 1.1 detected. JProfiler> 64-bit library JProfiler> Listening on port: 8849. JProfiler> Instrumenting native methods. JProfiler> Can retransform classes. JProfiler> Native library i...