
jQuery: having trouble specifying minDate and maxDate for a datePicker

I'm trying to enforce choosing only dates between (today minus a week, today plus a week) but instead getting a datePicker with past dates disabled and unrestricted future dates. Any idea? (I'm new to jQuery, 2nd day of playing with it...) thanks! I isolated the code to clearly repro it: <html> ...

Prevent jQuery Datepicker from closing by clicking anywhere

How to limit the Datepicker to be closed only by clicking on the input field ? Thanks in advance... ...

Validate jQuery datepicker and time picker

I am using jquery datepicker and timepicker.Clicking on date and time it assigns the value to the respective textbox.But I want to do clientside validation like the selected date should be the greater than the current date and selected time should be greater than the current time.Can any one help me how to do this. ...

Set Table cellspacing in JQuery Datepicker

Hi, I'm porting a website from PHP to ASP.NET MVC, and I'm trying to mimic the original JQuery Datepicker. They used an older version, but I noticed I'll need to change the cellspacing attribute on the generated of the Datepicker. Any ideas how this can be done? ...

Yii's CJuiDatePicker doesn't work for me

I copied the Yii documentation's example for CJuiDatePicker: $this->widget('zii.widgets.jui.CJuiDatePicker', array( 'name'=>'publishDate', // additional javascript options for the date picker plugin 'options'=>array( 'showAnim'=>'fold', ), 'htmlOptions'=>array( 'style'=>'height:20px;' ), )); The...

jQuery UI datepicker IE problem

Dear, I checked related posts but none of these answered my question. So this is the code i use: <script type="text/javascript" src="/media/datepicker.js"></script> Inside the datepicker.js i have the following: $(function() { $("#id_picker").datepicker(); }); I also tried to put document.ready() around it, but that didn't hel...

Validate date between multiple dates in jQuery.validate and datepicker

Hi, I'm using jQuery.datepicker and jQuery.validate. In my form I have multiple date ranges: 2010-02-10 - 2010-02-18 2010-03-01 - 2010-03-12 2010-03-15 - 2010-03-19 etc. Now I need to validate the datepicker field to check if the date set in the datepicker is between any of those date ranges. For instance 2010-01-01 would be invali...

JQuery Datepicker - only select mondays and thursdays...

I have the following code which only allows users to select Mondays from jquery datepicker. I want to adapt this to be able to select mondays and thursdays. Any ideas? beforeShowDay: function(date){ return [date.getDay() == 1,""]} ...

jquery datepicker - beforeShowDay problem

I have the following code: $(document).ready(function(){ $(".datepicker").each(function() { $(this).datepicker({ beforeShowDay: function(date){ return [$(this).parent().find("span.days").html(), ""] }, }); }); }); With this body code... <div> <span class="days">(date.getDay() == 1 || date.getDay() == 4)</sp...

How to validate the Jquery UI- Calendar plugin ?

I have used JqueryUI plugin- date picker to display my date. The format is such that it has Fromdate & Todate. If I select fromDate: for example 09/28/2010 and If I select toDate: for example 09/30/2010. It should be like this such that todate is always the one which comes after the fromdate. But i want to validate such that if I cli...

jQuery DatePicker ui is failing on IE

IE is giving me an undefined NAN when i try to view the calender... here is my html $("#datepicker").datepicker({ altField: '#outing_suggested_date', minDate: new Date, dateFormat: "yy-mm-dd", defaultDate: new Date("2010-10-07"), setDate: new Date("2010-10-07") }); here is the code i use to generate it $("#datepicker").datepicke...

How do I use jQuery UI's Datepicker not in a form, but to set the parameter for a link?

I have a link to a page on my site that has a data parameter in it. I want to use jQuery UI's Datepicker to set the parameter for the link. I've used Datapicker before, but only in forms. Is there a way to use it to set a URL parameter in the link? Thanks for reading. ...

JQuery DataPicker not picking up default format in MVC2

I'm using MVC2 and have included the Jquery DateTime picker. For some reason it is not using the default format settings when the pages loads. The model is passing in a Date and I have set the format to 'dd/mm/yyyy' as I do not want the time to be displayed. The html.editorfor that the datepicker is attached to, shows in the standard 'm...

Retrieving the dateFormat from jQuery UI datepicker

Hi, I would like to retrieve the dateFormat from my datepicker default set up declaration like so: $.datepicker.setDefaults({ constrainInput: true, dateFormat: 'dd/mm/yy', gotoCurrent: true, hideIfNoPrevNext: true, minDate: '-1y', maxDate: 0, showOn: 'both' }); Is there a way to retrieve this information? ...

jQuery Datepicker: How put range INTO form variable. How get range FROM form variable.

Using Keith Wood's jQuery Datepicker, version 4.0.3. I'm a JavaScript novice looking for simple example of using an inline datepicker for these complementary purposes: 1) Put an inline datepicker date range INTO a form variable(s). 2) Get an inline datepicker date range FROM a form variable(s). Classic add/modify situation. The code t...

JQuery Datepicker in Zend Framework not showing correctly

Hi, I have the following problem: I made a form, wich extends from Zend_Form, where I added a ZendX_JQuery_Form_Element_Datepicker like you can see in this picture: http://i.imgur.com/uGFpH.png But when I view that page in the browser, the datepicker seems to work, but the layout is messed up. See this picture: i.imgur.com/MuFSQ.png ...

Problem with year dropdown scrollbar in jQuery datepicker

I'm using a jQuery datepicker to select an applicant's date of birth, but the applicant's age must be restricted to values between 21 and 100 years. In order to make the selection relatively easy I have turned on the month and year dropdown boxes, and being in the UK I have localised it. <script type="text/javascript"> $(function () {...