
How do I nest my header object in the jQuery Accordion

I've got a UL list and for reasons of CSS styling, I need to nest the object I wish to use as the header for my accordion inside a div within the LI. Such that: <ul> <li> <div> <h4>Header</h4> </div> <p>This is my content</p> </li> ... other lis... </ul> Now, I'm wanting to hook up my a...

jQuery Accordion Focus

Hello, This is my first post so let me know if you would like more information! I am using a select list and a jQuery accordion. When the user selects a value from the list it opens up the relevant part of the accordion using the activate method. This works fine apart from it also focusses the window on the accordion rather than leavi...

JQuery UI Accordion Icon not in te middle

Hi Everyone, I am using Jquery ui 1.8 and I am inserting an image in the header section of the accordion, images shows up correctly but the icon (arrow) is not shown in the middle of the header. How can I put it in the middle? <div id="accordion" style="margin:15px;"> <div class="header"><img src="images/logos/RBI_Trax_full_tiny.png" al...

Activate jQuery accordion section with validation errors

I am using xVal for client validation in an ASP.NET MVC application. Since I have too many fields in one of the forms, I split it into sections and used jQuery accordion to display one section at the same time. Is there a way to activate the accordion section which contains validation errors when the user clicks submit? ...

putting a jQuery UI Accordion in a jQuery UI Dialog

By creating the appropriate markup for Tabs, I've been able to place a jQuery UI Tabs widget inside a jQuery UI Dialog; but doing the same with an Accordion has not worked: clicking on the anchor of the accordion section causes the Dialog to close. Is there a straightforward way to accomplish this? ...

jQuery collapsible Accordion animation behavior: content-panel is wider than accordion's container during expansion

On my page, the accordion-content expands wider than the margin-settings vis-a-vis the accordion's #container DIV and then, after it's finished expanding, the accordion-content width is adjusted to fit within those margins. This behavior doesn't look as smooth as the demos on the jQuery page and I must be doing something wrong or neglect...

serialize() sortable accordion

I asked this question on the jQueryUI forums, but got no response. I've created a sortable accordion but I can't seem to figure out how to serialize the indexes like you can on a non-accordion sortable. on my H3 elements I have the id="agendas_1234" and then the following code. But the line where I define the params variable doesn'...

fields_for and jQuery accordion compatibility

I'm actually just copying an old question from railsforum as he asked it back in May '09 and the only reply is the authors own inelegant fix. I wondered if anybody knows of a better way? Otherwise I'm going to end up using javascript to move the hidden field about as he has. Here's the original question: Hi there! Grateful ...

jQuery UI accordion issue

I use the jQuery UI accordion widget, and between every item I have some space. The issue is that in IE 8 , when you slide an item, it slides fine, but it removes the space between it and the upward item. It works good in FF and other browsers, though. When I over with the mouse on that item, though, it creates that space. I use the H...

jquery radio cannot change after 1st selection!

I have the following stucture: #main.accordion() h4#header1 <table><tbody><tr><td> <input type=radio name=1_1 value=1 id=1_1><label for='1_1'>1</label> <input type=radio name=1_1 value=2 id=1_2><label for='1_2'>2</label> <ul>some text</ul> With several h4 headers of similar structure. When I click on t...

jQuery ui accordion with panel that contains scrolling content and a fixed header

I would like to have an accordion with a panel that has a fixed header with a date picker in it and scrollable content while the accordion has fillspace set to true. So the accordion panel called panel-hmmm should not scroll but the div inside called scrollable-content should. <div id="accordion-west"> <h3> <a href="#">hmmm<...

text box event on accordion

Hi , I have a textbox over accordion header , now if i type space into the textbox my accordion get collapsed if it is open. so prevent that i have written following code $(".edit").click(function(event) { // if default text is present then select the whole content if ($(this).attr('default') == $(this).val()) this.selec...

jqueryui accordion disable specific according tab

hi i am trying to make a wizard for first time i want to disable all accordion tabs when i click on the link it enable next tab and open it.. i hve this code but it disable all tabs :( thanks $(function() { $("#list1a").accordion({ autoHeight: false, navigation: false }); }); $("#list1a").accordion("disable"); $("#list1a"...

How to make the accordion dynamic ?

Hi, I'm using accordion to set some properties. Each header represents a property. Currently, I have included all the properties. But now I want the accordion to be dynamic depending on the selected element. For example, if I have selected a DIV, only the properties for the DIV can be clicked and edited. The other properties which are no...

JQueryUI Accordion not using the height of the parent div when using fillSpace

I am fairly new to using jQuery and the jQueryUI libraries, and am trying to add it to a new site I am creating. However, I am running into problems with the accordion function, where it does not seem to be obeying the height of the parent div when I set a height in CSS and set fillSpace: true. The text for each accordion is much longer ...

JQueryUI accordion with a custom anchor in IE8

hi all. I have a very simple accordion in my webpage that I initialise with : $(document).ready(function() { $('#accordion').accordion({ 'autoheight':true, 'header': 'img' }); }); And later I: <div id="accordion"> ...

Jquery UI Accordion - Cancel Change

Hi All, I have been wrestling with this one for a while now. I want to have a confirm() before someone changes the accordion. I have tried: $(document).ready(function() { var edited = false; $(".accordion-me").accordion({ autoHeight: false, navigation: true, changestart: function(event, ui) { ...

JQuery UI Auto-Sortable Accordian - is this possible?

Hello, I want to have something similar to the sortable accordian in JQuery UI, that automatically sorts itself i.e. the active accordion panel (the open one - last one clicked) automatically moves to the top of the accordion. Any ideas? Here's the link to the JQ UI page: http://jqueryui.com/demos/accordion/#sortable Thanks! Here's ...

Prepend New Section To Jquery UI Accordion When Link Is Clicked...? (Code Igniter)

Hello, I'd like to add a new section to a Jquery UI accordion when someone clicks a link, either on the same page or a different page. I've looked at the append() function but the content I'd be pulling in would contain PHP as well as HTML, so it'd need to be parsed. The link the user would be clicking would reference a database record...

On page reload, open to a specific accordion panel

From an accordion panel, I post some data and then reload the page. I'd like on the reload for the current panel to be open and focused on the screen rather than re-opening the first panel and moving me back to the top of the screen. I know which panel I want open, so I don't need code to figure out the panel, just how to display it. ...