
JQuery Tools Scrollable: impossible to add hyperlink to image

Hi to all. I would like to create a "gallery" slideshow using Jquery Tools Scrollable plugin. But it's impossible to add tag like <a href='something'><img src='myimage' /> </a> In particular it works well if i use only <img> tag ..but if i "append" before the "a href" tag it will stop working ... Anyone know why ? Or anyone can sugg...

jQuery drag/droppable scope issue

See the code here on jsbin. I'm basically trying to create a series of switches. Each filled red square can be dragged up and down. The red outlines on the bottom are drop zones. When a square is dragged over a drop zone that is eligible to accept it the drop zone should turn pink. There are two problems with this code. One is that whil...

Render a newline in my data inside a jqGrid cell

First off, I'm using version 3.7.1 with a jQuery UI framework theme. I'm trying to figure out how to have a newline or even a <br /> render inside of a jqGrid cell. An example of what I'm looking to have happen: ________________________________________________________ Item 1 | some data | Applies to OS 1 ...

jQuery UI Dialog positioning

Basically I would like the dialog to remain centered when resizing the window (or switching to full screen window). Also the dialog is draggable, and ideally I'd prefer if it remained in it's dragged position on the page when resizing the window. But if it resets back to the center then I would settle for that too. I tried setting "pos...

jQuery Dialog Opening but not Closing!

I'm doing an Ajax GET for some HTML which then populates a div via: $(theDiv).html(theHtml) This HTML includes a button (let's say "Button A") that displays a jQuery dialog via: $(selector).dialog({modal:true}); When "Button A" is clicked, the dialog shows up every time. However, inside the dialog, I've included a Cancel link. ...

jquery: drop-down boxes floating over modal dialog with IE6

I've got a web form with various html fields. There is a textbox input field which is wired to work as follows: when it attains focus a modal dialog should showup asking user for confirmation. I've used jquery ui on my page. Hence I've adopted a jquery UI modal dialog to show up here. The problem is when the dialog is "modal" the d...

Jquery ui - drop is not working all the times

Hi all, I have been facing a problem with the Jquery UI drag and drop. Please find out my sample code at, http://jsbin.com/ojaji4 In above sample, There are two droppables. I have set [tolerance: 'pointer'] for droppables. In the middle, there are draggable elements. Now, start dragging element from the left side BLUE square and try t...

centering jquery tabs

i've borrowed some code from link text to nest tabs using jq everything is ok 'cept I cannot work out to center the tabs using the YUI library, this is v easy. However, I can't use the YUI library coz my command of JS is negligible and fitting my php to their code is murderful and a time-waster. are there ways to center jq tabs ? Tom...

Jquery AutoComplete - Add Links Equal to Original SelectBox value to DropDown List

I'm trying to modify this example: http://jqueryui.com/demos/autocomplete/#combobox to parse a similar select list, in which hyperlinks are passed as values. <select id="combobox"> <option value="/page1" title="Page1">Page1</option> <option value="/page2" title="Page2">Page2</option> <option value="/page3" title="page3">Page3</option> <...

jQuery DateTime picker

Hi, I have a textbox with jquery ui datetime picker. When i open the page jquery clears my textbox.(Textbox has a default value) Is there any way to prevent this action? View: <div class="editor-field"> <%: Html.TextBoxFor(model => model.Start, String.Format("{0:g}", Model.Start)) %> <%: Html.Validation...

click event does not fire when coupled with css :active

I have created a navigation menu where, when clicking on a link, a jquery dialog box opens. On these same links in my css I have: .navigationLinkButton:active { background:rgb(200,200,200); } The dialog box is attached simply with: $("#link").click(function() {$(this).dialog("open")}); Occasionally (about every 4-5 clicks) when a us...

dragging multiple list items simultaneously

I have two lists connected with jQuery UI's sortable, allowing to drag items from one list to another. http://jsbin.com/uraga3 Is there a simple way to drag several items at the same time - e.g. to move items #3, #4 and #7 from left to right? ...

How to get elements in jQuery UI to style and format correctly

Here is my problem. I have on multiple occasions downloaded jQuery UI and tried to use it. What happens, though, is that in the examples provided in the download the UI elements look great, but in my pages when I try to use them all the formatting and style stuff is messed up. Here is an example of a date picker: Good Example Bad Exampl...

Delete multiple Div's from a modal confirmation based on which div triggered the function

I have several Div's that appear and would like each one to have a "delete" button on it. When a user clicks on the delete I have a modal come up with 2 choices, either confirm the delete or cancel. THE QUESTION is: How can I adapt my code below so that only the parent div that I've selected to trigger the modal get's deleted? An array...

sortable - restrict dragging only to parent <li> element?

Hi, I am using the sortable demo in jquery-ui. I am trying to add an item to the sortable list at runtime, like: <ul id='panelSortable'> </ul> $("#panelSortable").sortable({ distance: '15' }); function generatePanel() { var html = "<li>"; html += "<p>hello!</p>"; html += "</li>"; return html; } function addPanel(...

How to use the jquery address plug-in with jquery ui tabs

I'd like to have my last selected jquery ui (non-AJAX) tab stay open when I refresh the page with the browser, and the back button should go back to the last opened tab. As this is currently not supported (yet) in the jquery ui tabs, I installed the address plug-in as mentioned in this stackoverflow question. Now when I apply the .addre...

jquery autocomplete dropdown doesn't disappear in IE

Hi all, I have strange problem with jquery autocomplete plugin. Everything works fine, ajax fetching, showing of data, selecting value... But in IE(in firefox everything is fine), when dropdown is opened, if I don't scroll with mouse scroller, but instead if I click on scrollbar and drag it up and down after that dropdown stays hanging ...

jQuery tools scrollable, change height dynamically

Hi, I have a scrollable div in my page. The container div has its min-height set to some value. And I want the item in the scrollable can be shown/hidden. It means that the height of the scrollable is not fixed. When the item is shown, the height of the scrollable should also change to longer. But this is not working. When the item is s...

JqueryUi autocomplete problem

Hi, I've a problem with jqueryui's autocomplete.When i filter results.it's filtering word like it contains,but i want like startswith.How can i do that?(Words are coming from a xml file) Thanks. Edit:Here is my complete jq code: $(function () { function log(message) { if ($("#<%=From1.ClientID %>").val() == "")...

Jquery UI Framework

Hi - Thanks for looking into this. I'm looking to build a framework of apps which can be extended by third party developers. The goal is to load each frame via ajax - I need to know if there is a framework which can be help me position and resize various widgets just like this one. Example screenshot http://tour.netvibes.com/private...