
jquery datepicker inputdate highlight

Hi there, I am using latest version of 'Jquery-ui' datepicker. i am trying to make the datepicker readonly(no more selections) with a given input date highlighted. i did not find any way to make it readonly but i was able to highlight a given date to some extent (though today's date appears to be more highlighted). my code looks: $(...

jQuery 1.4 - ui Tabstrip with AJAX

So I have elected to play with jQuery 1.4 - and I am noticing something right off. This is not a real project ,so the code here should be taken with a grain of salt. I wrote it to reproduce the error. Essentially, try to follow the jQuery UI Tabstrip AJAX loading example - you will get awkward results. For instance, the tabs link as ......

Scripty2 : how to close dialog

Heya, I am looking for a way to close a scripty2 dialog like this : http://mir.aculo.us/stuff/scripty2-ui/test/functional/controls_dialog.html From outside of the dialog (i.e. with firebug command line) but my javascript mojo is a bit limited and after 30 min of going around the DOM I cannot find a way. Any hints ? NB : scripty2 is a ...

jQuery UI draggable - Custom data disappears

I'm having a weird problem with using jQuery UI Draggable and setting custom data. My code: $('.drag') .data('foo', 'bar') .draggable({ stop: function(event, ui) { var foo = $(this).data('foo'); alert(foo); // alerts 'undefined' } }); It seems it's losing all it's when dragging (con...

JQuery UI Slider issue...

<html> <head> <script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.3.2/jquery.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jqueryui/1.7.2/jquery-ui.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <link href="http://localhost/test/styles/jquery/ui/skins/redmond/jquery-ui-1.7.2.cus...

jQuery qTip IE Resize Issue

I am using qTip (jquery.qtip-1.0.0-rc3.min) and jQuery (jquery-1.3.2). When using qTip in IE with non-dynamically loaded content qTip works fine. However, when loading content via an ajax call the qTip content does not resize once content is loaded. I have tried adding an updateWidth on the various callbacks without any luck. In fact, w...

Jquery UI slider, setting values bug

i have 3 div's <div id="slider-range1" class="slider-range"></div> <div id="slider-range2" class="slider-range"></div> <div id="slider-range3" class="slider-range"></div> i have added the slider to these div's using class reference $(function() { $(".slider-range").slider({ range: true, min: 0, ...

jQuery. How to sort with multiple value pairs with "tinySort"?

Hi there, I'm really not a JavaScript genius or anything so please bare with me. I am using a jQuery plugin called "tinySort" that allows you to sort items for example in an unordered list (it's rather nice!). Doing so, you simply call the following code: $("ul#list > li").tsort("a[title]",{orderby:"title",order:"asc"}); This code s...

Jquery ui, joomla and safari problem

I have a jquery ui slider in place which scrolls the content of a div when moved, here's the code: var paraHeight = $("#descPara").height(); var maxScroll = paraHeight - 250; var activeScroll; if (maxScroll <= 0){ //do nothing } else { $("#slider2").slider({ orientation: "vertical"...

jquery sortable, get list order

Is there any to return what rank in a list something is in during a sort using jquery? Essentially, I want to do what thousands of others are doing (and I've searched thoroughly on stackoverflow) and have a database update from a sortable. Each item in the database has a "Position" property - initially set to 0. The ul is populated and ...

jQuery UI: Datepicker month format.

I'm trying to change the format of the month that displays in the popup (not in the date that the picker actually returns. I can't find any option anywhere to do this, is there a hack like using substring() or something? I'm trying to change what's normally displayed as: <div class="ui-datepicker-title"> <span class="ui-datepicker-...

jQuery UI Dialog with AJAX Tabs Problem

I'm having an issue using jQuery Tools Tabs (AJAX) along with jQuery UI Dialog (manually doing the AJAX loading for the dialog). The issue is that the dialog is loaded and setup specifically for the current tab (loaded on the tab request via AJAX, along with the tab's content). jQuery UI, when creating the dialog, removes the container...

How to display the new order according to my saved ui position?

I had stored user id, div id, ui.position.left and position.top in to my database, how can to display the new order which I stored in database? $(function() { $(".column").sortable({ connectWith: '.column', stop : function (event, ui) { alert(ui.item.text); //callback function $.post("Layout",...

CSS/jQuery: How can I get a scrollable area to re-size properly when the container is re-sized?

I'm using jQuery to display a tabbed area, and I have a table below the tabs. The whole thing, tabs and table, are re-sizable. I'd like for the table to have a scroll bar, so that when you re-size the container, the scroll bar re-sizes. Right now, I have two issues. 1) I'd like for the scroll bar to extend from just below the tabs...

JQUERY, Calling a Dialog that I created? Not finding it...

Hello, I'm using the following code to create a Dialog box using JQUERY/UI: var $dialog2 = $('<div id="sharerdialog2"></div>') .html('<p>Loading...</p>') .dialog({ autoOpen: false, title: 'Image Stuffer', position: ['center',150], width: 450, focus:function(event, ui) { $('#dialogcloser').click(function() { ...

Why can't I get the icons when I use jQueryUI with Google Ajax API within Jetpack?

I can't get any icons to be shown on a modal dialog box when I try to use jQueryUI via Google Ajax API. The icons do not appear but when I click on the locations where they are supposed to be the relevant functinality works (e.g. I can resize and close the modal dialog box). Here's the problematic screenshot and my code for Jetpack: htt...

jQuery Sortable Divs, replicate BBC home page

Hi there I am trying to replicate the sortable portals design as seen on the bbc home page, using Jquery. I have used the code from the jQuery ui site to recreate the drag and drop portlets, as shown here. $(function() { $(".column").sortable({ connectWith: '.column' }); $(".column").disableSelection(); }); H...

Jquery paging takes more time when it has more records

Hi All, I am using Jquery paging for my datagrids. If it has less data than no problem for getting the datas to client side, but if it has more data's then its taking more time to render those data's at the client side. Please refer http://www.eschoolnews.tv/ ...

UI Tab load external page, jQueries not working anymore

Hello, I've got a problem when i using UI Tabs and load an external page into the tabcontent-DIV. When the page has loaded, all jQueries for this page seems not to work anymore. I read something about callbacks, but it's not clear at all. Example: I load an external page by ui-tabs, and the loaded content includes a DIV, that should hi...

Rich text editor in JQuery dialog box

I'm trying to get a rich text editor in a jquery dialog box. I'm currenty trying tiny mce. When I don't initialize tiny mce the text area displays the text with the HTML characters. When I do initialize tiny mce nothing is displayed in the text area. Any ideas on how to get a text editor in the dialog box? <textarea id="reason" rows="...