
Why does JDialog 'jump' on setLocationRelativeTo()?

Have a class that extends JDialog. It's initialized entirely on EDT (just in case). Now, public PropsDialog (JFrame parentFrame) { super(parentFrame); // boring pack(); setLocationRelativeTo(getParent()); setVisible(true); results in dialog appearing in the leftmost corner and then jumping to it's intended position...

Jump to function definition in vim

How can i jump to to a function definition using VIM? For example with Visual Assist i can type ALT+g under a function and it opens a context menu listing the files with definitions. How can i do something like this in vim? ...

Scrolling down a page after rendering in Rails

Is there a way to scroll or jump down a page after rendering it? Specifically, in my controller action, there are some situations where I'll want to send the user to a particular place on the page. If it were just a link from another page, I'd probably use a URI fragment identifier - "http://blorg.com/page#id" - but this needs to be dy...

The Math of a Jump in a 2D game.

I have been all around with this question and I can't find the correct answer! So, behold, the description of my question: I'm working in J2ME, I have my gameloop that do the following: public void run() { Graphics g = this.getGraphics(); while (running) { long diff = System.currentTimeMillis() - lastLoop; ...

phpeclipse: jump to function definition?

from zend's IDE i know that Ctrl+left click on a function name opens the corresponding source file and jumps to the functions definition is there anything similar in eclipse especially phpeclipse OR CDT? im not sure if its just a window->preferences setting i dont see OR some kind of source code indexing i may have disabled which also d...

Get current scroll position and pass it as a variable with a link?

I'll be honest, I'm way out of my depth here. I've created a pagination system where you click on a link it reloads the page and a certain number of list items are shown in an unordered list. When you click it again it'll reload the page and more items showing. Think how Twitter shows the tweets in your feed. The problem is when it relo...

Xcode Developer Documentation Link Hover Jumps To Top

I don't know how I got into this state, but the Xcode documentation window has been exhibiting this strange behavior of "jumping to top" whenever I hover over a link in one of the doc files. For example, I'll be scrolling down to, say, the methods of a Class Reference, and as soon as I hover over one of them, the doc window jumps right ...

Assembly language je jump function

Hello everyone! I am trying to find online the usage of the assembly language function "je". I read that je means jump if equal and that is exactly what I want. What is the actual usage of this function, or in other words, how to I type this function to check a value and jump if it is equal to something? Please let me know. BTW, I am u...

How to make ASP.NET DataPager control jump to ListView page based on element ID.

Hey guys, I have what I hope to be a simple question, though Google has been no help to me so far. I have an ASP.NET ListView control with a datapager and would like for the pager to jump to a specific page based on a supplied input ID of one the data bound items. In my particular example, I have a ListView of time periods (e.g.: Jan...

Assembly: Jump from one section to another

In x86 assembly, how can I perform an unconditional jump from one section another? Eg: .section .text main: ... jmp here ... .section .another here: ... I guess this is a far jump. I get a segfault when trying to run this. Any workaround? ...

Avoiding Javascript Jumping Elements in Dynamic Forms

I'm trying to use javascript to code up a dynamic form, where elements are shown or hidden based on whether or not checkboxes are selected. For the most part, it works okay. I defined methods that read the value of the checkbox, and rearrange the page accordingly, and then set them to the checkboxes' onclick methods. I then also set t...

Assembler and Jump instruction (how does it work)

How does jump works ? Does it set the IP register or does it increase it ?? Is it relative or absolute change of place were we execute the code? ...

difference in jump statements in assembly programming

how do you decide when do you use which jump statement...statements such as JG JNLE JNC can do the same job how do u diffrentiate them? ...

jQuery - Reload page after following jump link

I'm creating a slideshow effect using hidden div's. Once a thumbnail is clicked, the corresponding div appears in a window and the other divs are hidden. However, I also need the page to reload. I attempted to use something like this: $("a").click(function() { location.reload(); }); However, this will reload the page without follo...

Jump to function declaration in php

HI, I have the following ide's for php Dreamweaver php-Eclipse Textpad I wish to jump to a function's definition which is located in another file which is not yet open. How could I do that. I am studying a websites code and have the entire directory struction in my local root folder. I come accross certain functions and I dont know i...

Check if address exists before use/jump in assembly?

Say i have loaded some random address like 0x00001234 into eax. Is there a way to test that this address is valid/exists before jumping to it or dereferencing it? Or do I have to implement an exception handler? ...

Jumping link in ie6 and 7

Hi, I've created an online instant messenger which works fine in theory ( the programming is spot on ) but the visual is lacking in ie 6 and 7. basicaly today I've decided to strip it back and start again but still i run into the same problem of the link/button that shows the contacts jumbs 5px when clicked on. I just can't figure it ou...

jquery tab switching links so they jump to top of page?

I was given some great help by redsquare to get this far to change jquery tabs from links within the content, but I have one more issue that I'm looking for support on... When a user clicks a link to switch to a different tab from within the content, can i get the page to jump to the top of the page? Within my demo link, scroll to the ...

[Assembly] jnz after xor?

After using IDA Pro to disassemble a x86 dll, I found this code (Comments added by me in pusedo-c code. I hope they're correct): test ebx, ebx ; if (ebx == false) jz short loc_6385A34B ; Jump to 0x6385a34b mov eax, [ebx+84h] ; eax = *(ebx+0x84) mov ecx, [esi+84h] ; ecx = *(esi+0x84) mov al, [eax+30h] ; al ...

Help modify a javascript code to perform a div scroll

Hi, The code below uses javascript to smoothly scroll content in a div. I don't need the smooth scrolling action, and only need the onclick action for the buttons. I would like to use this code so that if a scroll up/down button is pressed, the scroll would instantaneously jump up/down to a position, just like if you were to press the r...