
Rhino mock vs Typemock vs JustMock vs...

I need to choose mock framework to new project. What are the pros and cons for those frameworks? Any comparison table? I know that JustMock is i beta stage but it's look very good right now (very similar to TypeMock) Edit: I'v What about MS Mole? ...

Telerik JustMock a Property Read

I am trying to mock a Property using Telerik JustMock. public WorkitemBusinessObject mock() { var mockContext = Mock.Create<BusinessObjectContext<Workitem>>(); var workitemList = new List<Workitem> { new Workitem {Title="First Workitem"} }; Mock..Arrange(() => mockContext.Table)...

JustMock vs. TypeMock vs. Other

With Telerik's JustMock product newly available, it has a lot of similarities to TypeMock, in the ability to mock concrete classes, not just abstract classes or interfaces. I was just curious your opinion on one or both of the products. What do you like or dislike? Seems like JustMock might be shy on some of the features (TypeMock has...